23 > How they propose

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10th Doctor - It was romantic really. He never really had to make an effort with you, cause he already did so much. But the day he proposed was so beautiful.

It was after another one of your chaotic adventures and you near enough didn't make it. It made him realise just how much you meant to him. He didn't want to make the same mistake from what happened to Rose.

"That was a close one! One more second and I could have become scrambled egg," you joke, turning when realising the Doctor wasn't following.

"Doctor?" You called.

The Doctor stood not far from you with his hands in his pockets. He seemed a little nervous than usual.

"You alright, love?" You ask, catching his attention which was on the ground below him.

"I want to...I want to..." You weren't sure what words were about to come out of his mouth but your heart sank, thinking the worst.

"You want to what, Doctor? What's wrong?" You ask, taking a hesitant step towards the man.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small red box and looked at it. You weren't sure what it was until you saw him go down on one knee and look up at you.

"Back there, I couldn't risk seeing you get hurt under my protection. Everyday I think back to the people that used to travel with me, and how I failed them. How I let them down. I don't want to go through that again. Not with you. Not ever. (Y/n) (L/n). I love you. Please don't ever leave me. Make me the happiest man and marry me. What do you say?" He says, tears threatening to spill out from his eyes. His hand trembles with the small box as he opens it to reveal the most beautiful ring you've ever seen.

You had a sense of relief, but couldn't help the tears that fell from your eyes and you looked at him. The love of your life.

"Doctor. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you," you say, his brows squint for a moment.

"Is that a yes?" He asks.

"Of course it's a yes! Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!"

His frown turns into a smile as he jumps up and takes you in his arms, spinning you around.

11th Doctor - The Doctor had taken you out for an adventure to a planet you've never heard of. It was strange. I mean, you've visited lots of different planets and met so many different species before, but this felt different.

You walk behind him as he picks things up around him, smelling them, tasting them, studying them. The usual.

For once, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I guess that's why it was so strange to you. Why was everything perfect? Too perfect.

The two of you held hands, walking through a park.

"It feels like we never left earth," you say, admiring the place surrounding you.

"You think so?" He asks.

"Yeah. I don't know what it is. I guess I'm used to something going wrong," you shrug, looking up at the man you grown to love. Staring into his eyes, you take a moment to just admire them. How they showed so much kindness, even from how much pain he's been put through.

Walking some more you spot a gazebo in the distance.

Yous walk up it and take a moment just for the two of yous. The Doctor twirls you around so that your facing him.

He starts swaying you to imaginary music.

"What are you doing," you giggle.

"Dancing," he smiles, twirling you around once more before bringing you to his chest. Yous stay like that, swaying side to side before he moves away for a moment. You watch the man as he looks out at the view.

"Everything okay?" You ask.

"More than okay," he smiles, looking down before reaching into his pocket grabbing something. You try looking at what he had but before you knew, he was down on one knee and looking at you with so much love.

"(Y/n) (L/n). You make me the happiest man in the universe. If you take this ring, I promise I won't ever let anything happen to you. Your under my protection. I love you so so much. Will you marry me?" He asks.

You couldn't form any words from the amount of shock you were in.

"Of course I'll marry you," you spoke barley in a whisper. He slides the ring on your finger and twirls you around in his arms.

"I'm proud to call you my future wife," he smiles, placing his forehead on yours.

"Shut up, future husband and kiss me,"

12th Doctor - In the TARDIS, the Doctor is working in a gadget of his.

"Any plans for today?" You ask, sliding down the pole of the stair case before strolling over to him.

"Won't be long," he replies, not taking his eyes off the gadget in front of him.

"Alright," you say. You were used to this sort of behaviour by now and didn't question it.

An hour passed and he came up to your room.

"Fancy something to eat?" He asks.

"Yes please, I'm starving," you say, swinging your legs off the bed and running over to him.

"Get dressed into something nice and I'll meet you at the console," he says before strolling over off leaving you in the room behind.


You put on a nice dress and grab your bag before meeting him in the control room.

The Doctors back faces you but you noticed he'd changed into a suit.

"Loving the suit," you smile, pecking him on the cheek.

"You look lovely," he replies, holding out his arm before walking out the door.

You were stunned to see the most beautiful restaurant you've ever seen.

He escorts you to a seat and helps you sit before sitting across from you.

"What's the occasion?" You ask, looking around the place in awe.

"Just booked the first place I saw," he shrugs, grabbing the menu and looking at it. You squint before doing the same. The Doctor peaks at you from behind the menu and smirks.

After what you would call the best meal of your life, the two of you walk out to a balcony. The view was amazing. Lights everywhere, the stars perfectly aligned. The moon full and bright. The cold breeze making you shiver.

The Doctor noticed and gave you his jacket.

"Thank you," you smile, looking back at the view. You enjoy the peace, closing your eyes to remember this moment. You place your hands in the jacket pockets but your fingers graze something soft inside.

You furrow your brows, taking it out to see a small velvet black box. Your eyes widen. The Doctor noticed this.

"What's wrong," you turn to him, showing the box.

"Is this what I think it is?" You ask. The Doctors eyes widen.

When he didn't answer you opened the box but were confused when you saw no ring. You turn around and see the Doctor standing on one knee with a ring in his hand.

You place a hand over your mouth.

"I've never been great at telling you how much I love you, mostly cause words can't describe how much I do. I love the way you smile, even when you're sad. I love the way you look at me as if your actually interested in what I have to say even if you don't understand it. I love the way your eyes sparkle in the daylight and under the stars. I just love you for being you. (Y/n) (L/n). I love you. Will you marry me?"

You kneel down to him, trying so hard to keep your tears from falling.

"Doctor, you had my heart the first day we met," you smile.

You didn't even give him a chance to respond or even put the ring on your finger as you crashed your lips on him.

"This was much easier than I thought it was going to be," he shows a toothy grin.

"You worry your big bushy eye brows too much," you laugh.

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