6 - Asking you out

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10th Doctor- The Doctor grows feelings for you and doesn't know how to tell you.

He didn't see you as anything but a friend until you started travelling with him more. He didn't even realise that the thought of Rose hadn't crossed his mind since he met you.

He realised how different he was acting around you and was sure that you had noticed too.

He slipped upon his words, felt more nervous when around you and surprisingly enough stopped talking to you about Rose because he knew how much it bothered you. Not that you didn't like hearing about her, just that it was all the time.

The day you confessed to him about how you felt, he didn't know what to say and could tell that you were beginning to panic.

"{Y/n}?" He began, catching your attention

"Yes, Doctor?" You paused, fearing the worst.

"Be mine?"

11th Doctor - The Doctor was obsessed with showing you off. He admired how talented you were, even if you didn't think so yourself.

You knew you weren't all that special but to him you were everything.

He soon came to realise that he was falling for you and made sure that the next trip included something a little more romantic than usual.

The Doctor landed the two of you in Italy and took you around the place, spoiling you with anything in sight. At the end of the night, he grabbed your hands and stopped in front of you.

"I'm really happy you agreed to come travelling with me and I'm lucky to have you as a friend, but what would make me even happier was if you were to be my girlfriend," he said causing you to fall silent from the amount of shock you were in.

"Are you serious?" You asked, not sure if he was joking or not.

"The most serious I've been," he says, not taking his eyes from you.

"Oh, my god. Yes!" you breathed causing his grin to widen even more than before. He lifts you in the air and twirls you around.

"I have a girlfriend!" He shouts happily, making you giggle in his arms.

12th Doctor - The Doctor loves how appreciative you were around him.

You showed him just how much you loved travelling with him and also respected his boundaries, especially with the hugging. You knew he wasn't fond of affection.

One day the Doctor was standing in his control room thinking about just how great of a companion you are but stops mid-thought.

Surely he couldn't be catching feelings for you? He thought.

His mind trailed off again thinking about how easily captivated he was in those e/c pools of yours. The butterflies he got every time you called his name. Even just the thought of your smile somehow caused his two hearts to flutter.

The slight change in his behaviour caught your attention.

"Doctor?" You called.

"Are you alright?" You asked politely causing his hearts to stop in fear of you finding out his feelings towards you.

"What do you see in me?" The Doctor asked. The sudden question catches you off guard.

"Bit random." You giggled.

"It's just a question," he shrugged.

"Well in that case, what I see is a very brave man that risks his life every day to save millions of others just for the sake of it. I see a man who has suffered a lot in the past and is afraid to be alone. I see that he needs someone to keep him on the right path and I see almost every day, just how amazing you are," you say, smiling but frowning thinking that what you said didn't make sense.

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