10 - First kiss

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10th Doctor - The Doctor has been making you feel special since you became his girlfriend.

Today was your anniversary together. He treated you out to a picnic in the 1950s that turned out to be more adventurous than you hoped for, but that didn't stop you two from having a great time.

When the two of you were back on bored the TARDIS, the Doctor returned you to your small apartment.

"Well I can say that this has been one hell of an anniversary," you laughed, unlocking the door to your apartment.

"Yeah, sorry about that," he said, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Don't worry about it. It's an anniversary I'll never forget," you smiled.

You turned around to face him and embraced him in a hug that he had to crouch down for due to your height differences. When you released him to walk into your apartment, he stopped you.

You looked down at his arm in confusion until he brought you in by your waist. Before you could comprehend what was going on, you found his lips on yours.

Both your lips moved in sync but you felt as if you couldn't keep up with him from the amount of shock you were still in. You felt his lips curl into a smile.

When yous separated for air, you found the same mischief look to be on his face.

"W-wow," you stuttered, still in a dreamy state from the events that took place.

"I know," he smiled down to you.

11th Doctor - The Doctor has been more inactive than usual and hadn't came to see you in a while. When you heard the sound of the TARDIS materialising into your living room, you were elated but found yourself frowing when realising how long it had been since your last encounter.

To say you were angry would be an understatement.

You stormed onto the TARDIS and watched the Doctor spin around on his heels to face you, stopping all movements with a solid expression.

"{Y/n}!" He beamed to you.

"Do I bore you or something?" you asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, assuming you've been busy with something? Why else would it take you a whole month to see me again?" You question the the-thousand-year-old Time Lord.

Sometimes you forget how old he was considering how childish he acts.

"Ah, yes. You see, I can explain that," He gulps.

"Well I'm hoping you've forfilled the time we haven't spent together for something useful," You said.

"Yes, Actually," he said, fixing up his bow tie.

"I can't argue with that. Besides...its impossible to stay angry with you," you sigh defeatedly before hoisting yourself up and sitting on the console.

The Doctor strolled over to you and stopped right infront your legs.

"So, Doctor. What's the plan," you showed a teethy smile.

"Same as always," He shrugged before moving to stand next to his monitor.

"That's it?" You asked, watching him nervously take glances at you.

"Yes," he replies.

You jumped down from the console and walked over to him.

"Let me see then," you said, reaching out for the monitor screen.

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