2 - How you two met

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10th Doctor -

You were on your way home, passing through the empty part of the alleyway which you were used to doing at this point anyway since you passed through it almost every day.

It wasn't known to be very dangerous or anything, but you still chose to stay on guard in in case anything was to change.

When you turned the last corner, you came face to face with an odd blue box that had stated on the top that it was owed by the police.

This was random considering the things no longer existed, or if they did, they were certainly not hidden in the middle of a place like this. Or so you think.

You approached the blue box with caution, knowing that the curiosity inside you wasn't going to go away.

While scanning over the box you stopped at the doors and jumped when hearing an obnoxious noise coming from inside.

"Okay...not weird a tall," you said out loud, quirking up your brow.

You went to open the doors but hesitated and instead, pressed your ear against them to hear what sort of commotion was going on inside.

Just as your ear brushed off from the surface, a scream was heard not far behind you. You turned your head to see what it was but saw nothing.

Your hands were still pressed up against the doors until suddenly they swung open unexpectedly, causing you to fall onto your nose.

You cried out when hitting the floor and looked up to see a pair of converse shoes staring you in the face.

You followed them up to see a brown striped suit followed by a long brown trench coat before finally meeting the eyes of a middle-aged man with his brows furrowed at you.

"What?" He squints.

"Who are You?" He asked, watching you get up from the ground dusting yourself off.

"Literally nobody," You huffed.

"How'd you get there?"

"What do you think? I fell," you said, rolling your eyes.

"Thanks for the help by the way," you said sarcastically smiling at the charming man in front of you.

"Well, Wasn't the first thing that came to mind when seeing a random stranger snooping around," The man said while looking off and bouncing on his heels.

"Your What -" you stopped yourself from speaking when noticing some sort of console thing standing in the middle of a room.

The suited man noticed your puzzled look and began smirking.

"Like her?" He asked placing his hands into his pockets.

"Her?" You questioned.

"Yeah, the TARDIS. She stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space," The man smiles proudly at himself in awe at his spaceship and ignores the fact that you still stood there more puzzled than before.

"W-wow," You stutter, looking off in confusion.

"Why is she bigger on the inside? Secondly, why is she a she?" You asked, glancing back at the man strangely.

"Well -" just as he was about to answer, another scream could be heard from outside, only this time closer than the last.

"Listen, I don't think we have much time," he said in a hurry while coming over to you and taking a hold of your hand.

You gasped at the sudden action and looked down at his hand, feeling the heat begin to spread across your face.

"What's your name?" He asked, in hope that you would answer him quickly, but you were too busy focusing on his brown pools to acknowledge anything and everything that happens around you. The man slightly shakes you, snapping you out from your trance.

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