22 > How they would spend your birthday

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10th Doctor - He would take you out on the most spectacular date. Better than any date you've ever been on. He always knows how to top things off.

He would gift you anything you asked for, but have a few surprises up his sleeve and later that night. It's all about you. He'll have you tangled in the sheets with him but not like the way yous usually would make love.

This time, it would be more romantic. Rose petals scattered everywhere, like it was your anniversary together.

It would be beautiful.

11th Doctor - He would shower you with gifts. Even though you didn't need any of the stuff he would get, he just loved giving you things.

He would turn up at your door with flowers. He would bring back the cutest bizzar things he found intriguing from different planets and time zones.

He would take you places, anywhere you wanted. His treat.

Nothing would get in the way with him making sure you were happy.

He would attempt to make you a birthday dinner, destroying the kitchen in the process but you never cared. It was the thought that counted.

Then he would read you a story and play with your hair until you fell asleep in his arms.

12th Doctor - Birthdays weren't really his thing, but when it came to yours he tried so hard to make it special for you.

He would take you to a planet with the fanciest restruant. Not because it was fancy, but because you deserved the best. After a nice meal, he would take your hand and walk you to the TARDIS.

Candles would be set around the place. He would stop his TARDIS and open the doors and sit with you cuddled under his arm while looking out at the stars.

Before bed he would treat you with a surprise spa. After a warm shower, he would sit on the bed and play you a song he wrote on the guitar, just for you. Kissing your forehead before snuggling in bed.

Which usually ended up with other things before sleeping ;)

River song - On your birthday, River became the hopeless romantic she truly was.

Yous would make target practices to practice shooting then go out for a walk into the woods and camp there for the night, finding a small cafe nearby for something to eat.

Yous would return to your shared tent and roast marshmellows and make hot chocolate before looking out at the scenery and getting ready for bed.

River would roll over and give you a look, you knowing fine well yous won't be sleeping that night.

Amy Pond - You didn't care so much for your birthday but that didn't stop Amy from coming up with stuff to do.

She would order something nice from the takeaway and put on your favourite show to watch together with a bottle of champagne or wine. Or yous would go out to the pub and watch some comedians that came out to perform.

Yous would stay up most of the night either making out or telling one another about stories or playing fun games together.

It was the simple things that count.

However, one night for your birthday she surprised you with tickets to your favourite band/artist. That was one birthday you'll never forget.

Rory Williams - For your birthday, the two of yous would go to see a movie together. Seeing as that was what yous done on your first ever date, yous thought it was cute idea to have date nights on one another's birthdays.

Yous would grab something to eat afterwards before going home and snuggling up on the couch watching the telly.

Other times, you liked to be spontaneous and go as far as to go bungee jumping or skydiving. Rory knew how andventerous you were.

Clara Oswald - the two of you would spend the day baking stuff in the kitchen. It would usually end in disaster however yous would have so much fun messing around and making a mess.

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