14- Favourite feature

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10th Doctor - Your hands. They're so small in his.

11th Doctor - The little dimples that show when you smile.

12th Doctor - Your eyes. The way they sparkle almost sync with time itself.

River Song - Your hips. She loves the way they sway when you walk.

Amy - Your neck. She doesn't know why.

Rory - Your hair. It's so long/ short and silky. He loves playing with it and watching you slowly fall asleep In his arms.

Clara - Your voice. Your voice never comes across as harsh and has always got a soft sound to it.

| Your favourite feature about them |

10th Doctor - His voice. It's perfect. You could sit and listen to him talk all day.

11th Doctor - His smile. You find it so freaking adorable!

12th Doctor - No doubt it's the hair. It reminds you of a lil cotton bud.

River song - Her eyes. They hold so much mischief in them...also her booty 😏

Amy - Dem legs.

Rory - His nose. Everyone thinks it's big but you think it's adorable.

Clara - Everything. She's perfect in your eyes.

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