- 1 - plane -

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the flight was late. it had been delayed by an hour, and freyja jonsson sat on the plastic chairs at the entrance to the terminal waiting, waiting, waiting. she was scrolling through her fyp when a message from her mother popped up on the screen:

mum: laura said that she will be waiting on the other side for you and to call her if you need anything. have a safe flight. love you

freyja: thankyou, love u too mum

the exchange student program had been designed to help students learn more about people around the world and to help them to have a bit of freedom before they finished school. as soon as the news about it was announced, freyja marched right up to her homeroom teacher and put her name down. she didn't care where she was getting sent, she just needed to get out.

an hour later, the flight was announced over the loudspeakers. freyja winced as her sweaty legs struggled to let go of the plastic chair. the only other people from her school flying with her were a girl from her english class and a guy from her maths class. no one else had wanted to do the program. she had requested to be seated on the plane by herself, so she didn't have to bother with small talk and awkwardness.

freyja adjusted the straps of her carry-on backpack and a minute and a half later, she was seated in seat B57, next to the window. thankfully, the people from her school were seated together at the opposite end of the plane.

after a few minutes, a man in a suit sat down next to her. he glared at her bright yellow backpack, before looking her up and down. geez, what's his problem, freyja thought, as she pulled her headphones over her ears. 

about a minute before takeoff, there was a commotion as a little boy found out his seat wasn't next to his mother, and he had to sit in the row across from her, which just so happened to be freyjas. he screamed the plane down until his mother shoved a bar of chocolate in his face.

as take-off began, freyja rested her head against the cool window and closed her eyes.

freyja woke up to a stewardess tapping her on the shoulder. "miss, you need to wake up now. we have just landed in LA". freyja smiled groggily and thanked the young woman, whos nametag read emily. looking next to her, the grumpy man and screaming kid were gone, and the only people left on the plane were an elderly couple. "come on honey", the man said, as he helped the woman into her wheelchair.

freyja let them pass first, before following out behind them, and into sunny la. her backpack strap dug uncomfortably into her shoulder and her neck also ached for sleeping for 9 hours on the plane. after getting her suitcase from the baggage claim, freyja furrowed her brows as she looked around for laura filipowicz. 

laura was a single mum, with a daughter called madi who was freyja's age. she had only talked to laura once on the phone, but she seemed nice. she had yet to meet madi.

after a few minutes, she spotted two people, clearly mother and daughter. the daughter was slightly taller than the mother, and both had dark brown hair. they approached freyja timidly. "freyja?", the mother asked, and she nodded her head.

"oh its nice to finally meet you. I'm laura and this is my daughter madi. we will be taking care of you while you're here", laura smiled warmly, taking the suitcase gently from freyja's hands. 

"hi, its nice to meet you too", she said timidly, glancing to madi, who smiled shyly at her. 

"the car's this way", laura said, leading her out of the crowded airport, and into the hot sunshine. 

the car was a nice white jeep, and freyja sat in the back, holding onto her backpack. laura turned the music down (it was playing bad habit by steve lacey), and looked at her in the mirror. "we have some guests arriving tomorrow. they are from boston, and usually go snowboarding at this time of year, but their flight got delayed by two days, so they are going to come and stay with us", freyja nodded her head and smiled, not thinking much of it.

madi spoke up timidly. "their triplets, and they have an older brother called justin and a dog called trevor. they make youtube videos, so you might of seen them. their channel is the sturniolo triplets".

"no, I haven't actually. I'm looking forward to meeting them though, I've never seen triplets before".

the drive from the airport to the house took at least forty minutes, what with all the traffic. madi became less shy as they got closer to the house, and her and freyja chatted about school.

when they arrived, madi led freyja up to her room, which was on the second floor, and faced madis. the room was bigger than her room back home, with a double bed and spacious wardrobe. she unpacked, putting all her clothes in the closet, and setting up the desk, before she sat down on the edge of the bed and opened up the youtube app on her phone. 

freyja searched up the sturniolo triplets, and pressed on the first video that came up, titled reacting to anonymous confessions part two. the boys introduced themselves. the one sitting in the drivers seat was matt, the one in the passenger seat was chris, and the one in the back was nic. they were all were good looking, but after watching the video, she decided matt was more her type. he was patient and shy, just like her.

after watching the video, freyja proceeded to look up all the boys on Instagram. she followed each one, and almost immediately got a follow back. laura or madi must have told them about her. 

after a few minutes of mindless scrolling, a notification for a dm popped up on her screen. it was matt.

matt: hey, I'm matt

freyja: umm, hi?

matt: your staying with madi and laura, right?

freyja: yup, and ur one of the triplets?

matt: yup

matt: whats iceland like?

freyja: really cold in winter, and not hot enough in summer

matt: well its really hot here hahah

freyja: yea I noticed haha

matt: so idk if u know, but me and my family will be coming to stay for a couple days

freyja: yea, laura told me. its cool

matt: ok, well I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow

freyja: yup, see you tomorrow

freyja sighed, before shutting off her phone and closing her eyes. matt was cute and nice, exactly her type.

"girls, dinner is ready", laura called from downstairs.

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