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saturday, october 24, 2020

dear diary,

wow, second time in a month you've heard from me! i must be on a roll hehehe. im already counting down the days until christmas (62 days, 1488 hours, 11 minutes, and 24 seconds)! 

i have much to report for once, and you'll be surprised to know it's not all about einar.

first off, charlie and anna are going to the christmas dance together. i guess i've known for a while now that something's been going on between them. in the last few months, they have been spending a lot of time together on their own, without me. which is fine i guess. i just thought that because charlie is my best friend he would've told me that he likes anna. i still kind of feel like an outsider when im with them, but einar is hanging out with us all the time now which helps. he ditched the popular boys it seems, and i no longer feel like a third wheel. don't get me wrong, i love anna and charlie, but groups of four work better than groups of three. 

i think einar has noticed how i get a bit lonely. he has started asking if i want to hang out when charlie and anna go out alone. of course, i say yes pretty much every time. the other day we went to an arcade, and then today we went and got Mexican for dinner and then watched a movie at my house. of course, i know that me and einar arent dating, it just feels that way sometimes. isn't the definition of a date going out somewhere with someone you like? im trying not to get my hopes up too much, but the dance is in a week, and im sort of hoping einar will ask me to go with him.

the second thing that has been happening has to do with my parents. i noticed only the other day that they have started arguing. don't get me wrong, my parents argue all the time. but that's usually just about stupid things like "what should we have for dinner?" or "i like that bedspread," "but i don't." those arguments usually only last for about five minutes, but lately, the arguments have gotten more serious. 

the other day, dad was looking for his jeans because he was going out to the pub with some friends. he couldn't find them anywhere and immediately blamed mom. they closed their bedroom door so we wouldn't be able to hear them arguing, but i did. it turns out that the jeans dad wanted were waiting to be washed because they were dirty. dad immediately started attacking mom, telling her she should "stick to what she's good at" and "help out the family for once." mom has been suuuper busy at work, and dad knows that, so obviously the things he were saying hurt moms feelings. in the end, dad took a shower and they made up.

that may not seem bad, but it gets worse. like waaaay worse. last night we were eating pizza for dinner, sitting around the kitchen table. einar messaged me while we were eating, and asked if i wanted to go and see the new spiderman movie at the cinemas later that night. i asked my parents while we were eating, and it didn't go so well. mom knows about einar, and how we are friends, so she said i could as long as i was home before midnight. dad, however, asked me who einar was, immediately assuming he was my boyfriend. i told him he wasn't, and then dad was all like "well, if he's not a boyfriend what's the point in going out?" and mom was like "duh, because their friends." well, dad didn't take that so well. he went red in the face, and that was when i knew things weren't going to end well. 

he started ranting on about how im 'too young to be going out' and that if i wanted to go out with a guy, he had to approve first. of course, mom retaliated, immediately coming to my defense. she (tried) to calmly explain that einar was a close friend, and mom had met him multiple times. "well, if he's such a good friend, why have i never heard about him?" was what dad said to me next. i have told dad about einar, but he just doesn't remember. i swear he has the memory of a goldfish. 

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