- 15 - roomies -

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the drive from the dolomites to bolanzo did not take long. mary-lou was driving one car, and jimmy was driving another that they had hired that morning. matt sat in the front seat next to his dad, and chris sat in the backseat by the window. suitcases were piled up next to him, pushing him hard against the window. justin sat on the other side, but he had it easy because all he had next to him were pillows. 

freyja sat in the front seat of the other car next to mary-lou. madi and nic sat in the back with the middle seat between them. madi was holding a squirming trevor.

the sturniolo's had decided to take two cars when they realized how much luggage they all had. the car with most of the luggage was the new car they had hired that morning, with suitcases and bags filing up the trunk and middle seat. there was not as much luggage in mary-lou's car, with only madi, nic, and freyja's suitcases taking up the trunk. 

"you will arrive at your destination in approximately one hour and two minutes." matt jumped as the GPS started speaking. jimmy laughed, and matt glared at him. "so matt," justin spoke up from behind him. matt twisted so that he could see his older brother. 

"what's going on with you and freyja?" matt looked confused, and justin chuckled. "chris told me about the party and how you saved freyja. and she is wearing your hoodie." chris grinned, though no one could see because of the suitcases. 

"there's nothing going on between me and freyja. i was just helping her out when that jurio guy was being an asshole. and I only gave her my hoodie because all her's were packed." matt turned back around, and justin didnt speak for a minute.

"whatever you say, bud," he whispered under his breath, and matt just glared out the window.

"man's so whipped," chris mumbled, and that was it for matt. he turned around in his seat, and glared at chris behind the suitcases. "shut the fuck up, chris." chris laughed, but jimmy interrupted their bickering.

"justin and chris, leave matt alone. i dont wanna hear another word of this from any of you." that shut them all up.

"so freyja," mary lou looked at freyja beside her. "how are you finding the trip so far?" 

freyja smiled, before speaking. "its been fun. thankyou for letting me come."

"of course," mary lou turned back to the steering wheel.

the car was silent for a moment, until nic spoke up. "so freyja. you and matt." freyja turned in her seat, confused. madi saw her expression, and explained nic's question. "he means what is going on with you and matt."

freyja's expression just grew more troubled, and she frowned. "nothing's going on with me and matt." nic and madi could tell that freyja was confused, so they dropped the subject. madi went back to patting trevor, nic put his headphones back on and freyja turned back to look ahead of her. mary lou hadn't uttered a word through the whole exchange, but she looked at freyja and gave her a small smile. freyja returned the gesture.

the truth was, freyja didn't know how she felt. matt was the definition of her type. he was kind, funny, generous, good looking and one of the nicest people she had ever met. but freyja was sure she didn't like him. she couldn't fall for someone again. not as fast as she had last time. she couldn't go through that again. 

an hour and 36 minutes after the two cars had departed pineview, the sturniolos plus madi and freyja, arrived in bolanzo. the town was small, with mountains towering over it on all sides. jimmy and mary lou drove slowly and carefully through the streets, watching out for pedestrians. it was a nice day, and many families were out in the sunshine.

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