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freyja sat on the couch snuggled under matts blanket. he had insisted on letting her borrow it. her laptop sat on her lap, and her hands fiddled anxiously with the soft material in her lap. freyja was staring at a black screen with a countdown on it. there was one minute and thirteen seconds left until the case began. 

"here you go," matt appeared next to her, holding a mug of hot chocolate. freyja smiled gratefully and took the cup. matt noticed freyja's fiddling hands and anxious expression. 

"do you want me to stay, or....."

"stay," freyja said immediately, before grabbing his arm and pulling him down next to her. matt pulled the blanket over his lap, and glanced at the screen. thirty seconds. freyja's breathing sped up.

"hey, hey, freyja," freyja looked over at him, wide-eyed, heart racing.

matt grabbed both her fiddling hands and took them in his. freyja looked down at their hands and then back up at matt. "breath with me," matt said, softly. twenty seconds.

"in," they breathed in. "out," they breathed out.






both teens looked at the laptop as soon as they heard talking. "we are here today to finalize the divorce of gunnar jonsson and margret jonsson." freyja was breathing normally again.

"are you ok?" matt asked. freyja looked up at him and nodded her head.

there was a lot of talking, and freyja began to slowly zone out. but as soon as her parents got called up to sign the papers, her attention snapped back to the screen. matt hadn't let go of her hand, and it tensed in his.

freyja's dad got up first. he was wearing his favorite shirt, and the tie freyja had bought him for fathers day the year before. he must know im watching, she thought, smiling. gunnar looked nervous as he reached for the pen and signed the paper. there was more talking, and then he walked back to his seat.

freyja's mother got up next. she was wearing a black pantsuit, and her expression was stony. she signed with what looked to be no emotion on her face, and as she walked back to her seat, she made a point of not looking at her husband. well, now ex-husband.

there was some more talking before the court was dismissed. freyja's mom got up in a hurry and rushed out the door, but her father waited for everyone else. as he headed towards the door, he looked towards where the camera was. freyja felt like her father was staring right at her. he winked once, smiling softly as if to say we're ok, kiddo, before exiting the room and closing the door behind him.

freyja let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. "good?" matt asked, and freyja met his blue eyes.

"good," she said, smiling.

now that the divorce was done, she would have to get used to her parents being separated. she didn't know who she was gonna live with back in iceland, or if her parents would even get separate houses. of course, freyja was sad, but now that everything was finalized she could move on. she had been holding the weight of the divorce on her chest for so long, but now that it was done, the weight was gone and she could finally breathe again.

"are you hungry?" matt asked, and freyja nodded. "ok, well there's somewhere i wanna take you, so hurry up and get ready," matt was smiling, and freyja grinned right back.

getting up, she walked back into their room and pulled a pair of skinny jeans out of her bag. a sage green cropped turtleneck sat discarded on the floor by the window, and freyja grabbed that as well. she hurriedly pulled off her hoodie and sweatpants, and pulled on the fresh clothes as well as her airforces. once her shoes were on, freyja stood in front of the mirror.

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