- 8 - plane pt 2 -

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matt had tossed and turned all night. when chris came and woke him up the next morning, all he wanted to do was sleep. "go away chris," he mumbled from beneath the covers. but chris just pulled open the curtains. "it's our first day here. hurry up, mom said we're going to breakfast."

matt sighed. there was no way he would be able to get back to sleep now that the curtains were open. he had slept with his hoodie on all night because it was cold, and now he went into the bathroom he shared with nic and chris. the three brothers were all sharing a room, and when the girls arrived they would take the spare bedroom down the hall. nic would probably bunk with them so that justin could stay with matt and chris when he arrived. there were two sets of bunk beds in the room that matt was sharing, and matt had called dibs on the one that would have no one sleeping on the top bunk. so, nic and chris slept on the other bunkbed, with chris on the top and nic on the bottom.

chris had left the room, and nic must have gotten up before matt. he could hear his parent's laughter coming from the kitchen while he undressed and climbed into the shower. the warm water was almost therapeutic, and exactly what he needed.

matt hadnt been able to get freyja off his mind. was it so bad for him to like her when they had only just met? deep down, matt knew he felt something, but he wouldn't even admit to himself what it was. as he dressed to go to breakfast, the butterflies were running crazy in his stomach.

freyja had just finished packing her suitcase. inside of it held almost all the clothes she had brought with her, plus a couple of extra pieces madi had loaned her. her pink suitcase now stood by the door, and her carry-on backpack sat on the ground beside it.

she walked to the mirror on the back of her door and made sure she looked decent. freyja wasn't wearing anything fancy or flashy, she wanted to travel in comfort. her green sweatpants matched perfectly with the oversized t-shirt she wore. she was also wearing a pair of white sneakers, and a necklace charlie had given her just before she left. it had an f on it, and hearts on either side.

freyja felt kind of bad that her and madi were leaving laura for three weeks just after she had got here. after all the kindness and hospitality laura had shown her by taking the foreigner into her home, freyja was just leaving.

she headed downstairs, leaving her luggage in her room. madi's bedroom door was closed, and she could hear harry styles blasting from behind the door. freyja smiled to herself, happy that madi was no longer sad.

she found laura outside, packing madi's suitcase into the car, and making sure that everything was in order. freyja walked up and helped the woman to load the suitcase into the boot. "thankyou, freyja. i don't think I would've been able to lift that on my own," the older woman laughed, and freyja joined in. "have you brought your luggage down yet?" freyja shook her head, and laura frowned.

"there was actually something I wanted to talk to you about." laura's frown turned into a warm grin, and she waited patiently for freyja to speak.

"It's just, I feel really terrible that I'm leaving for three weeks. i haven't even been here for a week, and now I'm leaving. you have shown nothing but kindness and hospitality, and you took me in without even knowing me when you could have left me to some other family," tears formed in freyja's eyes, as laura reached forward and pulled her into a hug.

"don't you worry, sweet girl. I'm so happy that you're here, and that you're having fun. you have made madi happier since you arrived, and I'm so glad that you get on so well with the boys. don't worry about leaving me, ill call you guys every day, and we will get to spend more time with each other when you get back." freyja smiled, pulling away.

"thank you for understanding, laura."

"of course. now go get your luggage, and tell madi we are leaving." freyja smiled once more, before running inside and stopping outside the door to madi's room. she knocked once, but madi obviously couldn't hear over her music, so freyja just walked inside.

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