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freyja jonsson's parents were getting a divorce. gunnar and margrét jonsson had gotten married in the summer of '83, and had been happily married until the beginning of the year. it started with the fighting. everytime freyja heard even the beggining of a fight she would leave the house and go to the park around the corner. there, she would immerse herself in the book she was currently reading, and the music of dominic fike and ludovico einuadi. 

freyja had first discovered dominic fike when his hit song '3 nights' was being played all around the world. when he released the album 'don't forget about me, demos' freyja listened to it to see if any of his other music lived up to the reputation of '3 nights'. of course, none of his other songs were being played on the radio, but freyja instantly fell in love with the album. for months, that album was the only thing she listened to. when 'what could possibly go wrong' came out two years ago, it was her go to album. freyja could relate to so many of the lyrics that dominic said in his songs, and his music had been there for her when no one else was.

over the past year, however, freyja came across ludovico einuadi when she was scrolling through her fyp one day. 'experiance' was the song that started it all. after that, freyja listened to every one of his songs. most people thought it was weird that she enjoyed listening to songs with no lyrics, but to freyja, the sound of a piano could mean so much more then lyrics.

freyja's parents announced they were getting divorced about three weeks before she was due to leave for la. they had sat her and her two brothers, macklemore and christian, down around the kitchen table, and broke the news as if they were stepping on eggshells. christian immediately started crying. being the eldest jonsson sibling, it was strange for freyja to see her older brother crying. macklemore got up and left; he didn't return until early in the morning. but freyja just sat in silence. eventually, her parents went to bed, but freyja stayed where she was until she fell asleep.

so, when freyja's mother called her in the late afternoon when matt was asleep and no one else was at pineview, freyja knew it had to be about the divorce. there was no other reason for her mother to be calling her, and she just wasn't the type of mother that calls to check in.

"hello, freyja darling," margret's thick icelandic accent gave freyja a wave of nostalgia, but she immediately focused her thoughts on the task at hand.

"hi mom."

"hows la?" freyja knew her mom was just building up to the news. whatever 'the news' was.

"its good."


"well i was just calling because...." ah, there it was. the big news. whatever it was. "well, because your father and i are scheduled to go to court to finalise the....ah....divorce next friday. your brothers are coming to watch, and we wish you could be there too." margret had finished speaking, and was waiting for her only daughter to say something, anything.

"um, thanks mom. ill call you on friday." before her mother could even say goodbye, freyja hung up. tears poured down her face. it was unbelievable how much shit she had gone through in one day.

madi, nic, chris, mary-lou, jimmy and justin all returned from the airport just before dinner. they had taken their eldest son out for lunch, and ended up walking around the town for a while.

when they got back to pineview, freyja was sitting on her bed, reading a book, and matt was napping in his room with trevor. chris showed justin to his room and then went to join the rest of his family to eat, while justin took a shower.

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