- 13 - party -

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the group of 8 plus trevor had been in the dolomites for just over a week. during that time, they had eaten out, watched tons of movies, gone skiing and snowboarding. there had been tears and laughter. since matt had deleted the comments, freyja had not been on any of her social medias. freyja had woken up the morning after she had been outside in the middle of the night with matt to find she was safe and warm in her bed. she had no recollection of how she got there, but she had a sneaking suspicion that it had something to do with matt. of course, freyja hadn't asked, and matt hadn't mentioned it.

now it was tuesday, and chris, madi and nic were walking down the snow covered street toward la petite. matt was still asleep, even though it was lunchtime. jimmy and mary-lou had gone out for lunch in a nearby town together, and justin was hitting the slopes. there wasn't much food back at the cabin, so the group of four had decided to pick up some food from the small cafe. 

upon entering, freyja immediately spotted jurio. he was working in the kitchen, but as soon as he heard the bells above the door jingle, he looked up. "ah, freyja," he said cheerfully, coming out to meet the group. chris, madi and nic all shared a look of confusion. 

"hi, jurio. these are my friends madi, chris, and nic," freyja returned jurio's big smile, pointing at each of her friends in turn. "its a pleasure to meet you," jurio replied. 

no one spoke, and the air around them grew thick, until jurio broke it, not breaking his smile once. "what can I get for you guys today?"

"umm, can we please get 10 ham and cheese croissants, and 10 chocolate ones?" freyja glanced over to see if anyone wanted anything else. chris spoke up. "and two dr peppers please."

jurio frowned. freyja realised he didn't know what dr pepper was. "just two colas, thanks." jurio grinned, and disappeared into the kitchen.

"how do you know that guy?" chris asked, wide eyed. "I met him last time I was here," freyja said. chris shot her a sly grin just as jurio walked back in. freyja rolled her eyes, and madi and nic giggled.

"here you are," jurio handed one box to freyja, the other to nic, and the cola cans to chris. "the chocolate ones are on the house." freyja's face fell. "oh no, jurio. you gave me a drink for free last time. let me pay. please."

jurio's grin did not falter once. "how about ill give them to you free of charge if you come to my party tonight." 

"party?" nic echoed, very clearly confused. 

"yes. i am throwing my annual snow party, and you are invited, providing you take the croissants free of charge."

nic sighed. he found this jurio guy quite manipulative. "ummm, ok. wheres it at?" freyja was cautious. they barely knew this guy. but no one made an effort to protest, so jurio wrote down the address and handed it to freyja. he winked at her on the way out.

"damn! does that guy ever stop smiling?" chris pretty much yelped once they were outside.

nic laughed. "I know! it was like his smile was stuck onto his face." madi joined in with the laughter, but freyja just glared.

"leave him alone. he's a nice guy."

"freyja, I hate to tell you this but he's only being nice because he thinks your hot," nic stated matter-of-factly. freyja just flipped him off.

they walked in silence until they reached the bottom of the driveway. "so, are we going to this party or not?" chris said.

madi and nic shrugged, but freyja nodded. "fuck yeah!" she said, and the others just nodded. they were going to a party.

there were only two showers in the house, and madi and chris had taken them. nic was watching tv on the couch, claiming he was 'waiting on everyone else', and freyja was impatiently waiting for a shower to be free. she stood in the boys room, banging on the bathroom door. "chris, can you hurry up a bit?"

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