Chapter 1

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AN: Hi this is my favorite movie of all time and I am so excited to do this

3rd Person POV

It is a warm August day and two boys are playing basketball in the driveway of a suburban house, their sister and mother sit on the porch. 

Inside the house, an older woman walks up to her dresser to find several older photos from her life set out. Photos of her and her husband when they were younger. 

She traces her finger along the frame before tapping her hand on the dresser and finishing packing the last several items into her bag. 

Her daughter walks into the room hiding something behind her back. It doesn't stay hidden for long as the girl throws the old catcher's mitt onto the open suitcase.

"You might need that," Lexie says to her mother.  

"Where did you find this?" Alex questions slipping it back onto her hand. 

"It was in one of those boxes that came over after..." Lexie says as her mother punches the glove a couple of times to recreate the pocket. "Needs oil" she adds with a glance. 

"Who doesn't?" Alex says with a chuckle. 

There is a brief pause before Lexie asks "You ready?" 

"I'm not going"

"Oh, Mom!" Lexie says frustrated that her mom was being stubborn as usual "I've already got two children. I don't need a third"

"Why is it so important that I go?" Alex questions as Lexie reorganizes her suitcase. 

"Well, for one thing, it would be nice if you just left the room." Alex waves that off before Lexie adds "Besides these are your old friends."

Alex tries not to let the hurt show in her voice as she says "They probably won't even remember me."

 Lexie laughs at that "Oh, the Queen of Diamonds Alex Danvers?" as she brings her mom's suitcase outside. 

Alex follows as she says "Lexie, I just don't think this is a good idea."

"Oh come on, Mom. I mean you're going to get to see Aunt Kara. You two hardly ever get to see each other." Lexie explains trying to get her mother to stop being stubborn. 

"We still won't, She'll be traveling around with that best friend of hers." 

"Lena. She has a name. Lena." Lexie smiles as she sees her mom grab her coat on the way out the door. "And she has always been very nice to you." 

Alex continuing to be the same old grumpy lady says "It makes me nervous." she sits "There's a lot of reasons why I can't go." 


"Honey" Alex tries to find her words "I'm not comfortable about this. I'm not really a part of it. It was never that important to me." she was lying but only Lexie seem to know it. "It was just something I did, that's all."

Lexie finally snaps "Mom, when are you going to realize how special it was? How much it all meant?" Lexie sees the fear and hesitation in her mom's eyes and sighs as she walks up to her seated mother "I know how you feel. I really do. But you're going." Lexie guides her mom off the porch seat and toward the driveway. "To the car." 

"A car, a train, a bus. I am tired already." Alex grumbles. 

"You'll sleep on the plane. Keep going." Lexie says as they walk past Alex's grandkids. 

The younger one says "Grandma's out of the room. Is there a fire?" 

"Julie next door is watching you. I don't want to get any bad reports." Lexie says over her shoulder at her kids.

"Okay, Bye grandma!" they both call. 

"Jeffrey, come here," Alex calls to the older boy. He walks over and she whispers "Now remember no matter what your brother does, he's littler than you are, so give him a chance to shoot. Promise?" 


"Okay" he dribbles away "Bobby come here" the younger one comes over "Kill him" Is all she says before she turns and enters the car.


A bus pulls up to an old baseball stadium. Nothing fancy but still had a small crowd. 

Alex walks off looking around in awe but also feeling a bit out of place as other women around her age get off the bus and are greeted by friendly warm smiles. 

Alex decides to sneak around a back entrance and onto the field. 

Alex is struck to see older women playing a game of baseball. 

Alex smiles fondly recognizing a lot of faces from back in the day and everything that happened all those years ago hits her like a ton of bricks...

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