Chapter 2

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3rd Person POV

1940s TV broadcast

Walter Harvey sits at a table with other baseball team owners discussing the future of baseball. 

Harvey's promotional whiz kid Winn Schott has been given the job of figuring out how to keep baseball going with everyone going to war


Willamette, Oregon 1943

A crowd of jeering fans look onto a baseball field ready and waiting for the action to continue. They are cheering loudly for the teams they support. 

"Strike two!" is called on the batter.

A short blonde stands in the on-deck circle with arms that wouldn't intimidate a fly. 

But looks can be deceiving.

She stretches with two bats in her hands to get ready for her turn up to bat. 

Her teammates cheering on the batter in the background. 

A man in the stands says "Hey, fatso! Get the hell out of the way." The man moves to reveal a man staring intently on the game.

"Strike three" is called on the current batter who stalks back to the dugout defeated. 

The blonde throws one of the two bats down and starts walking to the plate. She is stopped quickly by a voice calling after her "Kara! Kar." once the taller redhead has finally reached the blonde she says "Look, sis, she's getting everybody out high. Don't swing at that pitch okay?" 

With a tap on the shoulder, the redhead starts walking back to the dugout but the stubborn blonde says "I can hit it" 

"You can't" her sister disagrees. 

"I can." 

Kara says as she walks to the plate but she doesn't get far because Alex grabs the bat from her hand and says "Kara this bat's too heavy. You're never going to get it around."

Kara grabs it back and says "I will" stubbornly before continuing to walk toward the plate but once again..

"Kara, listen. There's a big hole on the right side, okay?" Kara starts to look "Don't look" her sister scolds. "Once she pitches inside, you're gonna have to pull it, okay?"

"I know!" Kara says frustrated. 

"Batter up!" the ump calls equally annoyed that this is taking so long. 

"No high ones" Alex calls.

"I like the high ones!" is all Kara responds with as she approaches the plate.



Kara takes her stance and prepairs to see the first pitch. 

It's over her head and she practically swings out of her shoes and doesn't even hit it. 

"Strike one."

Alex sighs frustrated that her sister didn't listen from the on deck circle. 

Kara not desuaded takes up her normal odd batting stance and completely misses the second pitch that was once again thrown at eye level. Her balance is all off and she looks like she has never swung a bat before.

"Strike two!"

Kara makes brief eye contact with Alex who mouths "Too high. No." while shaking her head. 

Kara shakes her off stubbornly and prepairs for the next pitch. 

Unfortunetly she get's so caught up in her head that she doesn't even swing on the perfect pitch right over the middle. 

"Strike three! You're out!" 

The man in the stands laughs loudly like an obnoxious idiot. As the crowd groans and the catcher calls out the number of outs. 

Kara is fuming and avoids her sisters eyes as she approaches the plate. 

Kara throws her bat against the fence and storms into the dugout. 

"Batter up" 

Alex get's ready with confidence. She knows the first pitch will most likely be high so she waits for the pitch. 

She was right and was able to hold back. It was called a ball.

The next pitch is right down the middle and Alex lays on it sending it to deep center field.

It is enough to score the two runners who where on base and win the game. 

The crowd starts cheering "Alex! Alex" as they get on their feet. The man smiles intrigued bu this Alex woman. 

Alex's team runs out and greats her with cheers, congratulations, and hugs.

Alex doesn't care though her eyes are following her little sister who is walking along the fence. 

Kara's attention is called by a random fan "Hey, Kara, what do you swing at those high ones for?" before motioning at Alex "Good thing your sister bailed you out."

Kara glares in her sisters direction and walks off the field. 


The day is swealtering in Oregon especially in the middle of the open farm lands that the Danvers sisters work on. 

"Ouch! Would you stop kicking the rocks?" Alex says to Kara as they walk home from the game. 

"I'm sorry" she says sheepishly. "That game just made me so mad" Both sisters where now out of their uniforms and in jeans and a white blouse for Kara and jeans and a flannel for alex. Both where covered in dust. 

"Kara, we won. Get mad if we lose." Alex says with an eye roll.

"That last pitch was right down the middle." Kara says kicking more rocks. "If I had swung at that, I would be the big hero." Kara's anger rises "But you got me so crazy."

"All I said was lay off the high ones"

Kara starts imitating the men at the game "Good thing your sister bailed you out Kara. Ha ha." She pauses thinking of another "Kara, why don't you get your sister to teach you to hit? Kara why can't you be beautiful like that sister of yours?"

Anger rises in Alex "What idiot said that?"

"No one. But I know that's what they were thinking." 

"No it's not." 

"No?" Kara questions "You ever hear Dad introduce us to people? This is our daughter Alex." she acts like her father "and this is our other daughter Alex's sister" she adds disgust in the second part of the sentence. "Should had you and bought a dog" Kara adds angrily as she kicks more rocks. 

"James Olsen likes you." Kara rolls her eyes at the mention of the boy who is twice her senior and has been fawning over her for years. 

"James Olsen is one step up from dating pigs" Kara snaps back. 

"But! An important step." Alex says trying to get her sister out of this grumpy mood. Kara ignores her sister and starts walking faster to get away. "Why are you walking so fast?" Alex is taller by several inches so it doesn't take much to keep pace. 

"Why are you?" 

"I don't know. 'Cause you are."

"Can't even let me walk faster than you?" Kara snaps.

"Sure" Alex motions Kara on but it only lasts a second before her competitiveness with her sister kicks in and she starts matching pace again. They are both slowly speeding up their walking until Kara just takes off in a sprint. 

There mom calls out "Girls, you got chores to do!" when they get to the house. 

At that point Alex had a slight lead and said "I don't have time for these games." 

"Why are you running then?" Kara says annoyed. 

"Come on, you can run faster than that!" Alex teases. 

"It's not fair! Your legs are longer!" 

"I win!" 


As this is happening a car pulls up the long driveway to the farm. 

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