Chapter 4

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AN: Omg I am already loving this story so much

Bang! Shatter! 

The girl up to bat shattered the window in the back of the indoor field they are practicing in. 

Field is an overstatement it's the inside of a high school gymnasium. With a mound a plate and about 9-15 sweaty men playing in the field of this batting practice.

"I'm sorry." The girl who hit the ball says quietly. 

"It's okay, honey," her father says from the bleachers. "That was good form" Kara and Alex sit behind the man grinning at the show this woman was putting on. William on the other hand was less amused. Her next hit was hit just as hard but lower so it didn't break any window. "Yeah, that girl." The next hit nearly takes the pitcher's head off. "Nice. Nice. That's a rope, honey." She takes the next pitch because it was over the strike zone "She's got an eye like DiMaggio" her father continues to brag to the scout. William gives a fake smile and nods. "Now Marla, lefty" the entire gym of men groans. (AN: I am keeping this character the same as the movie) 

Switch hitters weren't common and good switch hitters were almost none existent. 

Samantha's dad looks back at the scout as the pitch is delivered. It was an off-speed but it is still hit hard.

Alex nudges Kara and says "Hey. She's really good." under her breath. 

"She's your daughter?" William questions the man.

"Yeah. Yeah. Her mom's dead. It's just the two of us. Coach of the American Legion team said if she was a boy, he'd of took her to the state tournament. And I said 'If she was a boy, I'd be in New York talking to the Yankees instead of living in this place."

Marla smashes another one and sends it through another window. 

"All right. That's enough. You can bring her over here." William says to the man.

"Okay, Marla." He calls to her "Come here. Boys hit the showers!" 

Marla and her dad approach William, Kara, and Alex. Marla's hat was drawn low over her face. "Take off your hat, honey" she does as her dad asks. 

William winces when he sees her face and takes a step back. He literally says "Ugh." and Alex has to hold her sister's arms down so she doesn't punch the man."We'll let you know." 

Marla hugs her dad as she says "I'm sorry."

William motions to the annoyed sisters "Come on. Let's go. We'll miss the train." they grab their stuff and start to walk towards him "Let's move. Move, move!" 

Alex adjusts her bag and says "What's the matter?"

William glances back and whispers "I can't use her." 

Alex keeps her temper and says "She's great. Why not? What's the problem?" 

"You know General Omar Bradley?" 


"Well, there's too strong a resemblance" The insult shouldn't catch the sister off guard after spending time with this man but it still does. 

Kara glares and says "You mean you ain't taking her 'cause she ain't pretty?" 

"Well, look who just caught up." He says sarcastically before walking away as he says "All right, come on. Let's go." He gets two steps before the sisters simultaneously slam their stuff down. "Pick those suitcases up! Now, come on!" They stay where they are glaring at the man "I'm not kidding! Let's go! Move!" He starts mockingly walking like a woman "Come on, one foot in front of the other."

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