Chapter 9

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AN: I apologize for this being a slightly shorter chapter I have to go to bed early cause I am driving my mom somewhere really early. Anyone here from my one-shot or me reaching out I love you more than words can say 

(Any tension is gay tension....:))

After practice the next day

Sam stands on the field with a bat, a bottle of liquor, a 5"8 body filled with anger, and a pitching machine throwing her batting practice. 

"Managing girl ballplayers." She hits a ball

"They get to go pro" another

"and they don't even deserve it."

"I was twice the ballplayer they ever were and I didn't get a chance like this. I didn't get paid!" Sam falls off balance so she misses the next pitch

"Yeah but don't drink Sammy," she says imitating her father while hitting a ball at an imaginary first baseman. It would have been any easy out. 

 "Yeah why would I want to? I'm a peach." At that moment she rips the ball over center field wall.

"What's wrong with being a peach?" Sam nearly jumps out of her shoes at the voice. 

She turns to find the Peaches star catcher leaning against the dugout pole. 

Alex was her name she was the only person worth her weight on the team. 

A ball sails past Sam as she says "What are you doing here? Practice is over." 

Sam hadn't had a chance to open her bottle of booze so she was having this conversation, hungover, exhausted, angry, all the while wanting to be drunk or napping. It was also her first conversation with any of the players somewhat sober. 

"If you paid attention or gave a slight shit you would know I stay after practice to think about how everyone practiced and figure out the roster for the next day." 

"Well fuck off I am practicing here" 

"Why you are washed up not like you are gonna chance to play again." 

"Oh shut the hell up your not much younger than me you old hag," Sam says storming closer and getting in Alex's face.

"Old hag? Really? You are a washed-up drunk who only has accomplished anything in life because of her daddy's money." Alex jabs her finger into Sam's chest as she continues "If you spent 5 seconds thinking about something other than your self you would realize you are in the middle of a massive moment of history where you could make a difference." Sam scoffs and Alex glares at her "And to think I looked up to you. I even thought you were pretty." 

That shocks Sam out of her foul mood "You thought I was pretty?" 

"Yeah so did every little girl in America. Did you not realize you were an inspiration for every girl who felt trapped by society's expectations" Alex questions shoving Sam away out of her face. "If you had any good non-drunk bone left in your body you would step up and be the coach this team deserves. If not stop showing up." Alex storms away and back into the dugout. 


The next day at the game

"Now batting for the Rockford Peaches" Alex is standing next to Carol and gives a series of signals to her and the base runner before Nat nods and steps into the box "number 5 center fielder, Natasha Romonaff"

"There's a shot to right-center! It's up the alley." The peaches cheer loudly as Nat rounds first and heads for second "She's turning around first. She's digging up the dirt!" Nat is the fastest girl on the team so her coach waves her around second and tells her to come to third. 

The ball has just reached the shortstop who turns and throws it as Alex yells "Dirt in the skirt Nat! Dirt in the skirt!" which is their signal to slide. 

"Safe!" the umpire calls as she slides in safely for a triple. 

Sam looks up from the paper she was reading and shrugs to herself as she says "A triple"

"Next batter number 32 second baseman, Marla Hooch." 

"Marla!" Alex calls to get the girl's attention once it was on her she gives the signal for a sacrifice bunt while giving Nat the signal to go when she gets the chance. Marla nods and gets into the box. 

"Hey, what are you stupid?" Sam calls to Alex. 

Carol turns and says "Somebody's got to run the team, Sam." while Alex ignores their coach. "You know someone who actually watches the games. Sam throws her paper down and walks to stand next to Alex.

Sam ignores her and addresses the annoyed Alex "You're going to squeeze bunt with our best hitter?" Everyone ignores her. "What's the sign to swing away?" She asks the general group of girls. "Hey you with the black hair, what's the sign to swing away?"

Alex finally snaps at him and says "It's the letters but the infield's deep. The squeeze will work."

"Stop thinking with small. We want a big inning here." She says before yelling "Batter!" at Marla who was about to receive a pitch. She immediately calls time and steps out. 

Sam quickly gives the sign to swing away and Marla nods and gets ready to go back into the box but stops and steps back out when she sees Alex do the sign for squeeze bunt so she nods at that and goes back into the box but has to step away as Sam does the swing away sign and walks closer to Alex.

They go back and forth as Marla goes back and forth from standing in and out of the box. Confused as who to listen to. 

Eventually, the catcher of the other team says "Come on." getting annoyed. 

It continues for another couple of seconds till Sam snaps "Hey! Who is the god damn manager here? I am!" 

"Then act like it, you idiot." Alex snaps back before walking away from her.

"You tell her Alex!" Carol says in support as the rest of the team claps. 

"It's about time somebody told her," Lena says under her breath to Kara. 

Sam ignores them and gives the swing away sign to Marla who finally enters the box. 

Marla rips one into right field scoring Nat as her team cheers and even Sam says "Way to go, whatever your name is!" Her spirit was in it. 

Sam glances back at Alex who was sitting on the bench taking off her catcher's gear so she could go hit. 

They make eye contact and Sam is grinning ear to ear and Alex gives her a slight nod of acknowledgment with a tip of her hat. 

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