Chapter 14

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"Batter up" the Peaches stand around and get dressed for their game in the locker room as Harley shockingly doesn't butcher a song Nat wrote about them. "Hear that call?" everyone was glancing over the small page of lyrics they were given. "The time has come for one and all to playyy ball." Nat was strumming on a ukelele as everyone started to join in. "For we're the members of the All-American League. We come from cities, near and far." everyone was smiles and joy except for Alex who was just going with the flow. "We've got Canadians, Irish ones, and Swedes we're all for one, we're one for all we're all American. Each girl stands her head so proudly high, her motto 'do or die' she's not the one to use or need an alibi. Our chaperons are not too soft" Cat gives a little cheer. "They're not too tough. Our managers are on the ball." 

Sam walks in and smiles at the scene before glancing at Alex worried, she has to interrupt though so she says "Coach on the floor." Sam claps several times catching their attention "Get Harley away from there. I don't know what she's doing but get that kid away from the tape. Harley!" 

"Harley get over here you doofus!" Ivy calls. 

"All right everybody listen up. I didn't think I was going to care about any of you or the outcome of our games." 

"Gee thanks," Carol says sarcastically. 

Sam glares at the blonde "But I do care. A lot. And I want us to do well. And I am also happy to inform you that you have all inspired me and I am now 1 month sober." There are loud happy and sarcastic cheers but the smile Alex sends Sam is all their coach needed. "But that's beside the point. You guys have been playing smart just continue doing that and not making dumb mistakes and we can go far-" Sam is interrupted by a knock "Come in." Sam calls. 

But the happy mood immediately falls when a mailman walks in and says "Excuse me. Excuse me! I've got a telegram for one of you ladies from the War Department." everyone's smiles fall and dreed fills the room. Even though half of them were queer a lot still had husbands or boyfriends that they are using as BEARDS "Let's see... Boy, I hate these." Alex clutches the necklace Barry gave her and begins to pray to anyone who would listen that it wouldn't be him. "These are the worst. " The mailman is completely oblivious to the tension in the room. "The least the army could do is send someone personally to tell you your husband's dead." Shirley is behind Alex and grabs onto her arm as a lifeline. "Darn, I had the name right here..." he smacks his clipboard with the letter "Well, now I got to go back and get this straightened out. Sorry." 

"Hey." Sam says stepping forward "Why don't you just give me the telegram?" 

"I can't. I don't have a name on the checklist."

"Just give me the telegram," Sam says getting closer. 

"Hey, this is official." while holding it between them but Sam just grabs it and starts shoving him out the door "This is from the War Department! Come on." Sam slams the door in his face but still hears him say "I'm coming back." 

Sam feels dread crawling throughout the entire room as she rips the letter open and starts walking down the rows of girls. Sam accidentally makes eye contact with multiple people but continues walking until she is only looking between Alex and Shirley who are both sitting practically in tears. 

Sam hears Alex take a big intake of breath but she hands the letter to the woman next to her. "I'm sorry, Shirley" 

Relief floods Alex and she feels guilty but she immediately comforts Shirley who is uncontrollably crying as she says "No, it's George..." 

The whole team is by her side comforting her in an instant. 

Sam escorts her out of the locker room and into a more private space where Ms. Grant can comfort her. 

The whole room was drained of emotion and the girls were holding each other for support. "All right. Come on. We still got a game to play. "


Later that night after the game that they lost badly Alex sits in her room crying heavily by herself. 

That just reminded her the amount of danger her husband and best friend was in. 

Alex missed Barry, she missed Kara who would be cheering her up and comforting her right now, she missed home and the cows. 

There is a knocking at the door and Alex quickly wipes her tears and says "Come in." 

Alex finally looks at the door when she doesn't hear one of the girl's voice only to find her husband standing there in his uniform in a type of boot with a cane in one hand. 

Alex jaws drops and Barry gives her his best smile as she says "Hiya, Alex"

"Barry?" She stands and walks closer not believing that it's really him "How... How did you..." He pulls her into the biggest hug that neither wants to release the other. "Oh, Barry. I thought you were dead! What happened?" While looking at his hurt foot. 

"Oh, I'm fine."

"What is it?"

"It was a sniper. I was lucky though." Alex leads Barry to the bed to sit together  "He got seven of us before we got him." 

Though there were no romantic feelings between either of them they were best friends and the thought of losing Barry was so painful, and the relief that he was in fact okay. 

"Your really okay." 

"Yes. And I have been discharged." 

"Oh thank god" Alex smiles and hugs Barry again "Is Oliver out yet?" 

"Yes. He is. He is in town in a hotel until we all head back to Oregon" 

"I can't wait. And your not gonna believe how big Kara has gotten and oh god I have so many stories for you! And there is a bar that I am gonna bring you and Ollie to if we are ever in New York." 

"Can we talk about Ollie really quickly?" Barry says in a way that Alex knows where this conversation is going. 

"Barry how long have I known you?" Alex says simply.

"Since we were 5. That dickhead Edge threw dirt in my face and you shoved him away and threatened to rip his head off." Barry says with a chuckle. 

"28 years Barry. I have known you for 28 years. I know exactly who you are and what you and Oliver are too each other."

"You do?" Alex nods "And you don't hate me? Or want to run away screaming? Or call the cops?" 

"Barry. Think about it for a minute. Why wouldn't I want to do that?" 

Barry taps his chin "Well I am not sure, I mean the only reason I could really think of that you wouldn't want to is that you were the same-" his eyes widen "OMG your-" 

"Yes I am I am shocked it took you so long to notice. Isn't there supposed to be some sort of secret handshake or something?" Alex says with a giggle. "But considering the state of America, you and Ollie can't be public but I will do everything to support you two and I am assuming you will do the same if I ever you know find someone."

Alex never thought that Barry would come out to her so she never considered the possibility that she could have a relationship but now...the world is full of possibilities.

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