A nature trail to eternal youth

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He sat comfortablely on the sofa in the Slytherin common room. Everyone from Slytherin were at their home for the holidays. Having no family, he sat alone in the common room, quite enjoying the solitary silence.

He knew that half-bloods had lesser value among pure-bloods. And though he never revealed his parentage, it would come out soon. He needed something that would make him unforgettable.

He knew that he was extremely handsome. He had seen many girls and boys ogling him in the hallways. He was proud of his looks. But he also knew that looks had it's limits. They would vanish with old age.

Now he knew what he neede to become unforgettable. Attain eternal youth and beauty. He was quite convinced that being beautiful and handsome along with being actually intelligent was a rare combination. He was already almost there.


There were just two problems.
1. Beauty was not eternal
2. Any amount of knowledge is never enough.

So he could only think of a single option where he could achieve both of his goals.
Go on a nature trail after school.
Because no matter how cool hogwarts was, it provided limited knowledge.
If he went in search of Knowledge, he would gain knowledge. And somewhere between the search, he would also find knowledge to maintain eternal beauty.

This trail would make him unforgettable. Just like Dorian Grey. He just needed to find his Henry.

Yes there was the other option of making horcruxes, but he decided that it was too much work.
Besides, nature trail seemed more fun than killing someone.

Now the only thing remaining was money. Money would be his Henry. Just like Henry spoiled Dorian, he would spoil himself with money.
After a pause, Tom laughed at his own analogy. Very proud of his intelligent thoughts.

He just needed to steal some money, which was a piece of cake for him.
On the same thought, he craved some cake.

Nobody knew this, he made sure that no one found out that he had a sweet tooth. Except for elves, that is.


Guysss!!! This is just for fun, I wasn't going to post it. But I thought why not let others laugh along with me...
But the problem is, I have written only 3 chapters I guess.
Do you think I should continue writing this book???
Also, please ignore any spelling mistake or grammar mistakes. I've not checked it.
Also, please let me know in comments if I should write further chapters

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