Wake up, you dumb drunks!

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The next day, as planned, Tom and Jasmine went to Hogsmeade. Jasmine was the first to reach the village. Being a morning person and loving nature she had no problem getting up early and roaming the grounds of Hogwarts.                 
Tom, on the other hand, loved to sleep if he could, although, his insomnia stopped him most of the time, it often forgot to bother Tom at the times he desperately needs to stay up. The night before was one of them. After not being able to sleep till four in the morning, he finally fell asleep so hard, that dungbrain junior had to peck Tom with his beak to wake him up. It almost cost Dungbrain his remaining years of life. 

"Stop it," Tom shouted slapping the owl away from himself. After a few attempts at trying to get the bird away from himself, Tom finally decided to wake up and make sure to set the bird free of its miserable life, but he stopped when he saw a letter attached to the bird's claws. 

Taking the note from the claw, Tom quickly scanned the words and shot up cursing. The note was from none other than his friend Gilderoy, informing Tom that the said friend and his sister had already reached and that Jasmine had explained the excellent plan already. The note also asked Tom to come to the village quickly and that the Lockhart siblings would wait for him in the bar itself. 

Cursing a few more times, Tom changed into a fresh set of clothes, took his broom and flew out of the window itself, not caring is anyone saw him. 

Landing in the village, he walked straight to the bar.

The rotten smell of drunkk people and alcohol his Tom's nose strongly and he scrunched up in nose in disgust.

Walking straight to the table where he saw his two friends sitting, he sat himself in front of them.

"Sorry for my tardiness" Tom said scratching his neck "Although I see you are enjoying yourself" He added looking at the few too many empty beer glasses on the table.

"Certainly, my dear friend. Thanks to your tardiness, I geo to enjoy my time after many days of hardwork" Gilderoy exclaimed, his words slurred from the alcohol, a silly smile on his face.

"Did she drink too?" Tom asked poking Jasmine, who was lying face down on the table, snoring slightly.

"Hmmm...yes three shots. Light weight, isn't she?" Gilderoy asked looking at her and chuckling fondly.

"No...just underage" Tom commented, looking at Gilderoy with a raised eyebrow at which gilderoy shrugged

"it was her choice"

"Anyway," Tom continued. "Have you talked with him?" Tom asked jerking his head in the bartenders direction, who was silently and blankly observing them.

"Not yet. We waited for you. But you took too long so we asked him to serve us some drinks. Now we will have to wait till she wakes up" Gilderoy said looking at his sister.

"Fine" Tom sighed, asking Abeforth to serve him drinks along with some food too.

In between his second drink, Gilderoy collapsed too. Shaking his head, Tom continued with his drink, now waiting for both of his dumb drunk friends to wake up.

Tom Riddle and the Pirets of the Caribbean Where stories live. Discover now