Whiskey with Mr. Abeforth

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"Good morning" Gilderoy woke up with a silly smile and stretched himself to full glory.

"Finally. The guy has been looking at us for the past god know how much time. Come on, I want to get it over with" Tom said hurriedly.

"What about her?" Gilderoy asked looking at his sister.

"Let's her be. I'll tell her all the findings later" Tom said and both stood up.

The man behind the bar stood up straight after seeing the two of the three customers approach him.

He really had not much reason to stare at them, except of his boredom.
Abeforth really liked the students of hogwarts which gave his dear brother trouble. These three seemed to be a few of them. Looking at them, Abeforth got completely entertained.

"Hello Mr. Abeforth" Tom said approaching the man. Abeforth's eyes widened a bit. Under his brother's shadow, no one really knew him much, let alone adressed him with such respect. On one hand, he felt smug, but on the other hand cautious.

"Yes?" He asked, paitently waiting for the boys to speak again.

"I'm Gilderoy Lockheart, ex-student of Hogwarts. Recently, I was just working when I found that the great Albus Dumbledore had a brother. So I suggested my friend, who is still in school to accompany meeting you." Lockheart started with a charming smile.

Tom generally didn't like anyone interrupting him. Gilderoy Lockheart was the only exception. He had both charms, and tact to handle people. Much like Tom himself. Plus, the experience of facing people outside hogwarts was an extra.

"Oh. What did you want to talk about?" Abeforth asked, a bit irritated after Gilderoy explained how he knew Abeforth.

"Actually, sir, that's his story. I already knew about you. You see, he didn't care for reading much so he didn't know. But I read a lot, and out of all the books I've read, your name was highlighted in many books. The first time I read it, I ignored it. But then I started to pop up everywhere. Reading about all your great deeds made me curious. That's when I asked him to search for you. You inspired me a lot and so I wanted to me you" Tom delivered all the nonsense words that came to his mind with so much sincerity, that it even fooled Gilderoy for a second, except he knew that it was fake.

Abeforth's face was stoic for some time. He had almost believed Tom. Almost, because of his wonderful acting. Except for one mistake. Tom didn't get his facts right.

"Which books did you read my name in, boy? Because I've read many books during my time too, and I didn't fund any book that had my name in it" Abeforth stated with a raised eyebrow.

Tom panicked for a second. No, a millisecond before he smirked a little.
"No offence, sir, but you are quite old. Besides, how would your name be in books when you were still a student? The books that are now available do have your name. If you don't want to believe me, that's fine, I guess. It's my loss." He ended with his neck down, not able to control his smirk.

"It's ok, I believe you. It has been some time since I last read the books anyways. Take a seat, let's chat over some whisky. It's on the bar" Abeforth added as he made his way towards another table.

Tom and Gilderoy shared identical smirks as they followed the man towards the table. Just as they sat, Jasmine woke up and stumbled towards their table. Abeforth looked up at her and then the boys with a questioning look.

"Excuse her, sir, she is my sister. She also got inspired by your works and asked us if she could be here today. We had no reason to say no to her. Unfortunately, she got scared or maybe shy looking at her idol so she drank a little too much. She won't be a hindrance, I promise you." Gilderoy said with a smirk towards his sister.

"Come Jasmine, have a seat, don't get shy, now" Tom added with his own smirk. Jasmine threw a scathing look at him but took a seat nonetheless.

"Sorry for my behaviour, sir. As he said, I won't be a hindrance. Do continue whatever you were about to talk about" Jasmine said bowing a bit.

Abeforth nodded and turned towards the boys. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Ahh...I'm sorry for late update and the open end of the chapter...
Hehe...I couldn't think of what to write for their dialogue so I cut the chapter short.
Sorry 😬😬

Hope you are liking the story

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