The Order of Phoenix

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The three walked out of the bar, satisfied expressions on their faces.

"What did you mean by the last question?" Jasmine asked as they walked back towards the school.

"Well you see kids," Gilderoy started at which both Tom and Jasmine made disgusted faces. "Dumbledore always said that love is the greatest weapon, the strongest force. I don't know if he says that still,"

"He does" Tom interrupted to which Gilderoy nodded.

"So I thought that if that is true, then Dumbledore's love for Gilderoy might be stopping him from finishing and killing him for once and all. If that is the case, then we can corner him. Afterall, he shouldn't bring his selfish love life in between doing things for the greater good!" Gilderoy smirked, happy at the choice of his words.

Tom and Jasmine chuckled, but let Gilderoy continue.

"Now we just have to find a way to corner Dumbledore without letting him know that it's us, which will be quite a difficult job in my opinion." He stated just as they reached the school grounds.

"We'll work on that...come with us for breakfast?" Tom asked looking at Gilderoy. 

"Is that even allowed?" Jasmine asked, skeptical.

"It's him. Everything is allowed" Tom scoffed at Jasmine's question and dragged Gildsroy with him towards the great hall for breakfast.


"Sorry to intrude, but I hope you don't mind me eating the great food of Hogwarts again just this once, right professor Dumbledore?" Gilderoy boomed as the three entered the great hall, alerting everyone in the room.

Dumbledore was shocked to say the least. Looking at other professors shrugging, he nodded.
"There is no problem, Mr.Lockheart. but I must say that this won't be allowed everytime." Dumbledore nodded kindly.

"Oh that won't be a problem, professor. As he said, it's just this once" Tom smiled.

"Carry on" Dumbledore said and the three students sat at the Ravenclaw table.

Tom wanted to sit at the Slytherin table, but Jasmine made sure to remind him of the sealed deal, and what she had to give away for the information, and Tom yielded.

"So, before cornering him, we need to make sure that he is really holding back for the sake of his love" Gilderoy started as soon as they took a seat.

"I think I may have a lead for that." Jasmine grinned, making the other two curious.

"So Dumbledore has a group of people, which he orders around to do his little bidding to take down Grindelwald. The group is called Order of Phoenix. We need to be a part of it" Jasmine informed.

"How did you find out?" Tom asked, angry that he didn't know the information before.

"I have my sources." Jasmine smirked.
"Anyways. This won't be easy, and I still don't have complete information.
Till next weekend, I will gather all the information I can and then we strike." Jasmine stated.

"Okay" the boys nodded and continued with their breakfast as if they just hadn't talked about invading Dumbledore's group just to rob him.

So the story from here on is not at all planned and I'm just making it up as I there may be a few mistakes, though I'm trying to avoid those

Anyways, thanks for reading!!

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