All the phoenix's are in order

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First of all, I'm sorry for the mistake in the previous chapter...instead of Grindelwald I had written Gilderoy and just noticed it while reading that chapter again...I've corrected it now.

Anyways here's the next chapter


The three gathered the next week at Madam Puddifoots. She was more than happy to have the ex-student and the two current students.

They sat at a private booth, ordered their drinks and talked nonsense till the order arrived.

"Kissing is just an activity to exercise your toung" Tom replied with disgust to Jasmine's comment regarding catching two students making our and being happy for them.

"No it isn' has emotions...and those two were just so in love" Jasmine countered, staying firm of her opinion.

Gilderoy watched the conversation with a smirk before butting in "Do you want to experience kissing which involves emotions, Tom? It will be good either way, if you don't feel emotions, you will at least complete your 'toung exercise' "

Gilderoy burst out lightning as he saw Tom's ears turn red from embarrassment.

"Shut up" Tom grumbled moodily

"Make me" Gilderoy carried on with a challenging look.

But before Tom could say anything, Madam Puddifoot entered the booth with their orders.
"Here you go deary's. Enjoy" she commented leaving immediately after.

"Sure" Jasmine grumbled after she left, looking at her brother and best friend with disgust.

"Hey don't look at me like that, it's your fault" Tom pointed out.

"Anyway" Gilderoy chuckled. "You got any info, sis?"

"Yup" Jasmine nodded, taking a sip of her drink as she leaned forward, urging the other to do the same.

"You remember that attention seeking dickhead, potter and his super hot, sweet and cute girlfriend lily? Jasmine asked making the two boys curious.

"Yeah, weren't they your upperclassmen?" Tom asked Gilderoy for confirmation.

"Yea. What of them?" Gilderoy nodded, waiting for further reference

"We'll I got in contact with Lily a few days back. A bit of convincing her and the dickhead boyfriend helped me get the information I am about to tell you.
This will be super hard. But if the first step goes smoothly, the rest will automatically happen." Jasmine nodded with a worried grin.

This made Tom a bit curious as well as paranoid. Seeing Jasmine worried about a plan was no a usual occurance. She always had a plan...but this time, her worried expression alerted him to the difficuly and importance of the so-called first step.

"First we'll have to approach Dumbledore or someone else regarding wanting to join the order of the Phoenix.
But we can't just go and ask. The existence of this unit is very secret, and students just randomly knowing this can send an alert signal to the group. We don't want that. Generally, Dumbledore himself seeks out students who are in their last year and approaches them with the choice of joining the group. He only asks students he deems worthy to do his tasks. I am completely out of the question for this year. Gilderoy too, since he is already out of the school. So this rests on you, Tom" Jasmine looked at Tom intently, making him a bit scared.

Jasmine could be scary if she wanted to, and after witnessing her scary side once, Tom was in no urgency to see it again.

"I know...I'll make up a plan, and once I'm in, I'll put in a good word for both of you" Tom nodded earnestly

"This is not just it...After Dumbledore selects the students, he takes the opinions of teachers...yes most of the teachers are also a part of this group. I can only say for sure that McGonagall is one of them...others I can't be sure about. And we know how much McGonagall's opinion matters to remember that too." Jasmine continued, to which Tom nodded again.

"Once the first step of invading the group is comple, we can do the rest more easily." Gilderoy nodded, thinking all the plans he could apply.

"Great. Our Phoenix steps have been ordered...let's burn the first one as soon as possible. Once the first Phoenix takes ignition, the others will fire up easily. Let's pour all the alcohol we can to make the fire as grand as possible. I will bring the downfall of Dumbledore, i will rob him till he has nothing left...I will be the person with the most knowledge and I..." Tom started with his monolog.

"Yo dumb have stopped making sense since the past five minutes. Sit down and let us enjoy our food. I have a book to write afterwards." Gilderoy smacked Tom on the head, making him sit back down, rubbing the back of his head.

Tom grumbled a bit but sat back quietly none the less.

"So what book are you writing, bro?" Jasmine asked and their conversation continued on for long hours, completely forgetting the initial reason for the meet up as they enjoyed each other's company.


I have been reading some minsung fanfics recently, and it's gayness took over me ><
Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.

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