Dung Brain

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Tom walked towards hogwarts, a jump in his step clearly visible to anyone who saw him. He was happy beyond explanation that he had an upper hand on Dumbledore. He just needed some help to back it up, and He hoped that Abeforth Dumbledore would be of some help.

Tom walked inside Hogwarts with a flare. His head held high, a constant smirk plastered on his face. Usually, he made sure to seem as humble as possible. But as there were hardly any students to witness him, he didn't have to control his expressions.

Walking in the great hall, he gracefully sat down at the Slytherin table. There were a few Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors at their respective table. A single Ravenclaw was sitting at the Ravenaw table.

From over the table, the Ravenclaw girl waved at him, asking him to join her. But he slightly shook his head, and instead asked her to join him at the Slytherin table. He was not going to let his Slytherin pride for a Ravenclaw, let alone a girl.

Shrugging, Jasmine Lockheart joined Tom at the Slytherin table.

Tom didn't mind her. She was the sister of an old friend. Gilderoy Lockheart was three years older than Tom himself, while his sister, Jasmine Lockheart was two years younger.

He had befriended the older Lockheart in the end of his first year. Gilderoy Lockheart was his idol. The ravenclaw would do anything he had to in order to gain popularity and fame. The three things Lockheart loved was money, fame and beauty. Soon Tom found that their goals matched, and so the Slytherin and Ravenclaw friendship started.

Although Jasmine had the same goals, she had an upper hand on them. She already had beauty and fame.
Jasmine Lockheart was a Metamorphamgus. This was a rare trait to have, even in the Wizarding world. So, that being said, she already had fame. Her abilities helped her retain her beauty. So she would be just as beautiful, even in old age.

Tom was thrown out of his thoughts as Jasmine sat down in front of him.

"What happened?" She asked taking one look at him.

"What? Nothing" Tom answered, trying to look oblivious by staring at the soup intently.

"Oh come on riddle, that just proved that something is wrong. I don't know how you manage to fool others with this level of acting skill, but it is truly pathetic" Jasmine whispered.

Tom looked up sharply, his eyes narrowed, his eyes glaring.

Jasmine rolled her eyes, unflinching. "That look doesn't sacre me anymore. Try better next time. Anyways, spill"

Tom sometimes wondered how she didn't end up in Slytherin. But then again, her witty comments proved it all.
Ravenclaw was the best choice for her, and even Tom couldn't deny it. He rememberd the day she was sorted like the back if his hand.

Tom was sitting with Gilderoy Lockheart at the Slytherin table. Lockheart was bouncing in his seat excitedly, waiting for his sister to get sorted, while Tom looked at him with amusement.
"Lockheart Jasmine" her name was called out. Jasmine walked in the front, her head held high and a smirk on her face.
"Slytherin" Tom muttered under his breath, sure of it. But Gilderoy just laughed it off.
The moment the sorting hat hovered over head, it shouted "Ravenclaw"
Tom's eyes widened for a second before he regained his composure.
"Go Jasmine" Gilderoy souted from the Slytherin table. But instead of getting embarrassed of her brother, she just looked at him and nodded once before continuing towards the Ravenclaw table.

"Spill up, Riddle" Jasmine spoke up again.

Sighing to himself, Tom nodded, and smirked at Dumbledore's direction before leaning forward.

"Dumbledore's gay for Grindelwald. It's totally fine being Gay, but having any relation to Grindelwald will ruin his image. We can threaten him into giving  us his money." Tom whispered in her ear.

They both leaned back in their seats. Jasmine's smirk widened.
"Wipe that smirk off your face, you dung brain, Dumbledore will suspect us" Tom smirked at her.

"Don't call me dung brain" Jasmine said gritting her teeth. Out of all the curses, that one was her least favourite.

Tom snickered at her response.

"Anyway, where's the proof?" Jasmine asked raising her eyebrows.

"I haven't got it yet, but I have a lead. I've been in hogsmeade searching for it the whole morning. We'll have to talk to Dumbledore's brother. But he runs a bar. So he will be busy in the evenings, so I'm going tomorrow morning." Tom explained.

Jasmine nodded "alright. Count me in."

Tom made a face at her, but agreed nevertheless. "We'll skip breakfast tomorrow. Visit Abeforth as early as possible"

"Yeah sure. Anyways I gotta go. I'm done with dinner and I still have to complete my book. So see you tomorrow" Jasmine nodded, getting up.

Tom smiled at her. He loved reading, but unlike her, he wasn't a book freak. "Sure, dung brain. Read on till you die"

"Atleast I'm gaining actual knowledge instead of knowing my professors past relationships" she replied, throwing a scathing look at him; and walked out of the great hall.

Tomorrow was a big day. Tom couldn't wait for it.

So basically, Gilderoy is older than Tom by 3 yrs. Jasmine is younger than Tom by 2 yrs. And Gilderoy has already passed out of Hogwarts...it's Tom's 7th or maybe 6th year at Hogwarts. I haven't decided it yet 🤪
I had already written this, but didn't post it.
Now I'm posting this, but the next chapters will take time

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