Drunken antics and traumas

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Tom woke up in the middle of the night, startled. His sleep was already a problem, but when the boy next to him started snoring, he couldn't stay in the dream world.

Sighing to himself, he got up, knowing that there was no way he would go back to sleep again.

Walking out of the dormitory, he made his way to the only place he knew he could be himself. The kitchen.

Whistling a song under his breath, he reached the kitchen. Tickling the pear, he giggled to himself as he entered the kitchen, arms spread wide, acting like a big shot. "Welcome me grandly, you elves" he spoke with an exaggerated deep voice

There was a silence in he kitchen, which was usual for when he visited, the elves always greeted. Something was wrong.

Slowly opening his eyes, he peeked around through the small of his eyes to come across a smiling Dumbledore.

Tom let out a blood curling scream and jumped back at the way Dumbledore was smiling. Deumbledore's original smile was creepy as it was, but this was something different. He looked....Drunk?

"Professor Dumbledore" Tom finally braced himself and bowed down to the professor.

"My dear boy, do come inside. What an amazing range of voice you've got! I never would've thought your voice can become so high pitched" Dumbledore laughed loudly.

"Sorry?" Tom asked, offended.

"Don't mind that now, tell me, what are you doing here at this hour of night?" Dumbledore urged him inside, and made him sit on the table he was previously occupying.

"Umm....The boy next to my bed was snoring, so I couldn't sleep" Tom answered....so flabbergasted that he couldn't even think straight.

"Oh dear...it alright now. You can accompany me. I was just asking these dear elves what they could give to eat at this hour, and they said sweets. Would you like some?" Dumbledore asked, offering a bowl of sweets that Tom always ate.

"Uh thank you professor" Tom picked up a sweet and started eating.

There was awkward silence among the professor and the students, filled up by chocolate wrapper noises and occasional gulping sound as Dumbledore drank his alcohol.

"What brings you here professor?" Tom asked, trying to get closer to Dumbledore. 

"Oh I usually come to the kitchen at this time. Elves keep me company, when I start feeling lonely" Dumbledore mused, thoughts in a faraway distinct memory.

"Why didn't you marry anyone professor?" Tom asked, feigning innocence.

Dumbledore's eyes became sharp, which scared Tom a bit...which he didn't show (of course)

"Sorry professor, touchy subject?" Tom prodded further.

Dumbledore just looked at him for a few seconds, eyes full of pity, and nodded solemnly.

"The times are not good, my dear. It would be better for everyone if they focus on saving themselves and the world. But alas, people cannot always be as selfless"

"I wish I could do something to help" Tom replied...eyes awaiting Dumbledore's reaction.

Dumbledore had his eyes closed, which at first made Tom think that Dumbledore was muling over his comments, but after the man let out a loud snore, Tom's eyes widened with rage.

Here, he was sincerely trying his best to join Order of the Phoenix so he could rob Dumbledore. Giving all of his attention to the professor when he doesn't deserve it, and how does the professor repay? By sleeping when they were having a nice conversation?

Tom waited a second, then two, but where there was no indication that he would wake up, Tom slowly stood up, picked up the sweets plate and slamed it on the ground.

The loud noise of the plate startled Dumbledore so much, that he fell. Trying to stand up hurriedly,  Dumbledore stepped on his own robe and fell forward.

Tom would've had a great laugh, if it was not for the fact that Dumbledore fell directly on him.

Now Tom didn't have any problem against fat people, but when Dumbledore fell on him, he internally cursed out every person who weighed equal to or more than Dumbledore.

What was even worse was that Dumbledore giggled, his face laying on Tom's shoulders.

"Professor, hold yourself up on your weight" Tom wheezed out under Dumbledore's weight.

"Okay" Dumbledore Dumbledore sighed sadly.

Dumbledore sat up on the stool again, looking tired as he took a sip of his alcohol.

"What were you saying before this?" Dumbledore suddenly asked.

"Nothing much...I was just expressing my desire to help everyone ti fight during these hard times. I feel like if we all unite and coordinate our activities, change will be prominent." Tom answered.

"Yes...you are right. We'll have to think of that something like that in that way"
Dumbledore mumbled.

"I'll get going professor" Tom finally stood up, deeming the cause as lost seeing dumbledore's state.

"Good night, Tom. I will definitely think over what you said" Dumbledore waved at Tom as he walked out.

Tom sighed to himself as he exited the kitchen, wanting to go back to the safety of his bed as soon as possible. There was no guarantee that Dumbledore would remember their conversation. But what Tom was sure about was that Dumbledore's giggles were going to haunt him in his sleep every night.

The things I do for my goals. Tom sighed to himself and entered his bed, hoping to dream of money and books instead of Dumbledore's giggles.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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