"Dumbledore's got a dirty little secret!!"

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Satisfied with his plan, Tom locked his diary in his bed-side table. Pulling the covers over himself, he closed his eyes in an attempt to sleep. Even though his attempts at sleeping were successful much later, the first hour of laying down was spent by letting out a a stream of giggles every few minutes.

The next morning Tom rolled out of bed completely fresh. The thought of blackmailing Dumbledore had put a new enthusiasm in his otherwise boring life.

Only a few days were remaining till everyone would come back to Hogwarts. And he doubted that he would be able to do his research in everyone's presence. So he appointed himself a deadline for completing his work.

He knew where to start his research. And he wasted no time to do it.
After neatly arranging his hair with a muggle hair gel (which he took great care in hiding), he walked down in the great hall, drank a shot of pure black coffee, smirked at Dumbledore and walked straight out of the great hall, his cloak bellowing behind him.

The carriages, as usual, were waiting for anyone who would want to go to hogsmeade.

Sitting in a whole carriage by himself, he started his journey towards completing his mission.

The first thing he did after entering Hogsmeade was to visit honeydukes. Buying a ton of sweets, he first entered Madam Puddifoots. 

"Hello dear" came Madam Puddifoot's sweet sound.

"Hello Madam. I wanted to ask you something, but first, please accept this as a gift" He said extending a few sweets.

"Oh thank you dearie" she said, accepting the gift graciously.

"I admire my headmaster a lot, I mean who wouldn't..." Tom forced out a chuckle "so I wanted to know a bit more about him. You should know by now that he is a very secretive man. He won't share his personal information about his successful life and what led to it with me. I hoped that you might tell me something" Tom said sighing miserably.
In his mind, he gave himself a pat on his back as he saw Madam Puddifoot fall for his trap.

"Oh dearie, I'm afraid I don't know much about his life. But I am willing to share all the information I have. Would you like a tea while I share the story?" She asked, already starting to make tea.

"Yes please. Make two cuppa, for me and yourself as well" Tom said while taking a comfortable seat.

He never really liked this shop. It was way too warm and cozy for his liking, unlike the cold slytherin common room.

He sat silently for a few minutes, while Madam Puddifoot prepared tea for both of them, humming a song under her breath.

She placed the cups softly on the table, cleaned her hands on her apron and sat down in front of Tom. He smiled placidly at her.

"So Dumbledore" she started after she took a sip of her tea, Tom following in on her movements. "He was not so different than the students at Hogwarts, was he! Young love didn't escape him."

That got Tom curious. He had seen Dumbledore being so old, that he could not fathom the idea of Dumbledore having a relationship.

"Now Tom, I vowed to myself that I would not speak of this particular love ever again. I just could not. But this is just between us. Can you promise that?" Madam Puddifoot asked, patting Tom's hand that was placed on the table between them.

Tom smiled sincerely. Making firm eye contact, he nodded and then blinked slowly in an assuring way, not uttering a single word.

"Good good. Their love was forbidden..."She started, her eyes a little faraway as she remembered the old times.

"...They didn't come often. Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Inseparable pair they were. Whenever they were here, they would always speak in hushed voices, in each other's ear. Their eyes would twinkle, like they were sharing something extremely amusing." Tom couldn't control his snicker. This was an awesome revelation. If this got out, Dumbledore will have to run for his life.

"I would often ask if they were a couple. But their reply didn't change. They would look at each other, blush profoundly and then deny" Madam Puddifoot chuckled lovingly at the memory. He chuckled along with her, just for the heck of it.

"But Abeforth would always come when they visited. Abeforth and a girl. They would sir right across Albus and Gellert. As it he wanted to hear everything they talked about" She said in a hushed voice even though no one was in the shop.

"Who is Abeforth, may I ask?" Tom interrupted her in a soft voice, his eyes sparkling.

"Oh, Albus' brother of course. Older one I presume. He was always there in the shop with the same girl. Whenever Albus and Gellet were here, Abeforth never missed." She Said pointing at a table where apparently Abeforth Dumbledore and this mystery girl sat.

Till this part of the story, Tom's tea was finished. The clock on the wall showed that it was time for lunch already.

"One last question before I take my leave, Madam" Tom started as he stood up. "Do you know where I might find Abeforth Dumbledore?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

"In the Hogshead, of course." She said. "He once complained to me that ever since the three broomsticks opened, his income has decreased greatly" she said with big hand gestures.

Tom quickly swept down in a low bow. Taking her hand in his hand, he gently kissed her knuckles. "I will forever be your customer, Madam, you can count on that"

"Oh thank you diery" she said as she patted his hands.

"I must take your leave, Madam, otherwise Professor Dumbledore might not give me food" Tom said jokingly.

"Oh nonsense" she chuckled as she escorted him out of the door.

Waving at her one last time, Tom turned on his heels and started walking back in long strides.

After covering a certain distance away from Madam Puddifoots shop, Tom suddenly jumped high, throwing a fist in air and screamed "Dumbledore's got a dirty little secret"


Tom Riddle and the Pirets of the Caribbean Where stories live. Discover now