Dear friend, Gilderoy

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After lunch, Tom went to the Slytherin common room, and immediately took out a parchment and quill. Even though he hated the old method of using ink, quill, parchment etc. That they had to use (according to hogwarts rules), he quite liked the aesthetic. And that was the only reason why he used quills.

Dipping the quill in ink, he drew aimless lines on the first parchment, in wait of the words to flow out of his head and onto the paper. Afterall, hogwarts paid for his stationary, and Hogwarts money equals Dumbledore's money. So he was intent on wasting it. He felt no remorse in wasting the ink, nor the parchment.

But as soon as words formed, he crunched up the first parchment and took a new one.

Dear friend, Gilderoy.
    I write to you in hopes of finding you in perfect health. Of course, knowing you, you might be prospering in the outer world, now that the walls of Hogwarts and scoldings of Dumbledore do not constrict you anymore.
   Nevertheless; this is a most urgent request, and I hope from within my heart, that you comply. Because I assure you that I will be worth your precious time, you will enjoy this activity immensely- you have my word.
   So, upon my request, do come to hogsmeade tomorrow, early morning. Around at 7am. We are going to meet an old fool, to make a fool of another old fool. If this is unclear, I will clear it tomorrow. Just show your ultimately handsome and gorgeous face tomorrow morning.
    I hope to see you there tomorrow in good health, because we might need you to perform a few of spells which you have aced. Jasmine will be with me
Good night.
    Hope this letter finds you in the earliest.

Folding the letter, Tom sent it straight to Gilderoy, using his eagle (it wasn't allowed in hogwarts, but who was stopping Tom?).

After that, he had nothing to do, so he spent his time reading a book on 'psychology of manipulation' written by some muggle author.

Because the length till wich muggles will go to study human brain was truly amazing. And Tom found it truly inspiring that they found time from their busy schedule to study the human brain instead of letting someone else do it, just like him.

So then he wondered if muggles were actually smart or just really dumb. And then Tom proceeded to spend all his time in arguing with himself, constantly stuck in the loop of this 'smart or dumb' paradox.

And he missed dinner. Again. And ate sweets in the kitchen.  Again. And slept like a baby. Again, with thoughts of taking Dumbledore down and gaining eternal beauty and youth.


Sorry for the short chapters...
Next update will take longer as I have some shifting work to do

Tom Riddle and the Pirets of the Caribbean Where stories live. Discover now