A plan to steal Money

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Tom sat in the kitchen, eating the pudding that the house elves served him happily. He actually quite admired the creatures. Spending time in the kitchen had helped him gain a lot of knowledge on their abilities.

Although he doubted the need for existence of these low-life creatures, knowing their abilities now made him wonder if they could be used for other reasons if persuaded correctly.

"Oi, you!!" He poined at a passing elf.

"Yes master?" The elf bowed deeply.

"Are you bound to the castle, to Dumbledore, to the position of headmaster or to all the residents of the castle?" Tom posed his question, choosing his words carefully. If these elves served Dumbledore, they would have to answer to him truthfully. He couldn't risk Dumbledore knowing that he was trying to get inside information.

"We serve the residents of the Castel my lord. Sir professor Dumbledore also. But we serve the headmaster position greatly, sir."

"Hmm...you may go" Tom ordered. He quite liked the title of 'my lord' or 'sir'. That was one of the reasons he liked the elves. The second being that he had command over them.
Tom giggled to himself over the title of 'my lord' again before going back to his thoughts, startling the elf that passed by him.

So I do have the power to order them, but Dumbledore has greater power. So if he asks them anything about his activities, they would have no choice but to answer them. That darned old fool ruined everything he wanted to do.
No matter. He would achieve his goals, no matter what means he had to use. Threat being the first option and blackmail being the last.

He wasn't going to steal money from muggleborns. He pitied them. The magical currency was way higher than the muggle currency. They were already living in poverty.

He himself was a half blood. So having the thought of stealing money from half bloods made him shudder. What if something like that happened to him?

No. Pure blood was the only option. But to propose a threat to pure blood was a tough job. Most of them were filthy rich. True. But they also had high positions in the ministry. They could erase his existence as easily as they would crush an ant. This option was way too risky.
He was not ready to take that much risk.

The last straw he could think of was professors.
His favourite professor,  professor slughorn was the first that came to his mind.
But remembering the old professor bugging Dumbledore to increase his salary, he decided to let the old sod be.

"Dumbledore!!" Tom exclaimed after a few seconds, making all the house elves jump out of fear. "My apologies, dear elves. Do continue with your excellent work" Tom said gleefully.

"Dumbledore that old sod. He must have the most money at school. That son of a gun always comes in between my tasks. This is how I will take my revenge

I am coming for you, Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore. Just you wait.

After his dessert, Tom walked back to the slythering dormitory. Being an insomniac was sometimes a bit problematic. But most of the times, it helped people like Tom; people who did a lot of research and needed time for the same.

It was 9pm. The dinner was already over. So Tom sat on his bed, a diary in his hand. He was thankful to merlin that
he decided to not make horcruxes. Otherwise this diary was going to be the first of his soul. Imagine the embarrassment if people found out about it. Tom scoffed.

He decided to note down the information he already had.
•Mission- steal money for a long trip in search of eternal youth and knowledge.
•Target- Dumbledore. Steal from his bank account.
•Information for blackmail- none. •Helping hands- someone really old from hogsmeade.

Threatening Dumbledore was as risky as threatening the pure bloods. Besides Tom didn't think that Dumbledore would give in to any feeble threats. So now he went directly to option two: BLACKMAIL.

The plan was ready.
It wasn't perfect, but it was in existence. 
And Tom Marvolo Riddle was going to execute it.

I'm just gonna publish all the 3 chapters I wrote lol
Enjoy and have a good laugh guys

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