Ch 4: The Beach Episode

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Mumbo had been taking a break from building and found a perfect lookout to laze about on. It was the highest rock of Grian's base as it had a perfect view of the land around. So high up he could see for miles. He Lay on the soft moss that blanketed parts of the rock and watched the world below. It was such a high vantage point he could see Scar's theme park, a sliver of Tango's Decked Out, and Doc's world eater sized hole along with Mumbo's own vault below. Each build looked impressive from such a high vantage point. It was nice just to lounge around and watch the world beneath him. On occasion he would instead watch the clouds pass by as the sun made its way across the sky, being up so high a soft breeze would rustle his hair.

The tranquility got him thinking about Zed's Horn Gang group chat. The founder had unknowingly pushed him slightly out of his comfort zone and helped him talk to other horned hermits. He'd have to ask him why he made that group chat in the first place. Had Zed wanted some comradery or was he creating a horned hermit army? Zedaph himself had a pair of curved horns, typical sheep horns that made a small C shape above his droopy sheep ears. Doc had similarly shaped horns but on a bigger scale, the sharp tips resting just under his pointed ears. Those two were the only ones that had similar types of horns while Gem and Tango had vastly different pairs of horns.

Gem being a deer hybrid had a typical rack of deer horns which you didn't want on the opposing end. Tango, being a blaze hybrid, was the only one who didn't have horns on his head. The species had evolved in a way that meant they didn't have hair on their eyebrows but little spikes instead. Why he was a part of Horn Gang without typical horns was another question he would have to ask Zedaph. But Tango had been included nonetheless so Mumbo had no gripes about that.

Bringing Mumbo out of his thoughts was a winged figure as it zipped through the air, watching as it circled the floating rock base. He immediately knew who it was by how skillfully he flew through the air, the bright red, blue, and yellow colored wings were a dead giveaway too. He watched in amazement as Grian did a couple of tricks, knowing full well that Mumbo was watching him.

"Nice flying G! Do a barrel roll!" Mumbo shouted as the avian zoomed around. The two laughed as Grian rolled and flipped some more before gliding over.

"What's going on up here?" Grian chuckled as he landed and took a seat next to the horned hermit.

"Just looking, it's a good viewpoint. Nice place to watch the sunset too." Mumbo gestured to the builds nearby, pointing out the nearby bases, "Scar's theme park looks really nice up here. and over there is part of Tango's build for Deck Out. You can even see Doc's gigantic world eater hole from here." He added and pointed at each area as he listed them.

"Oh wow. I didn't know you could see those from up here." Grian glanced between each of the builds, surprised that his build had such a big vantage point to see some of their friend's builds.

"You built this place," Mumbo chuckled and Grian playfully rolled his eyes.

"I did yeah, but I haven't stayed up here long enough to notice." A smile came across Grian's face as he took in the view.

The two sat and watched the sunset as it disappeared into the horizon, watching the sky turn to pretty pinks and oranges. The sun had mostly set by the time Grian stood and stretched, fanning his wings out. "Well, I'm going to head in for the night," Grian said before yawning.

"Yeah, I will too. Thanks for letting me use your base." Mumbo nodded, he hadn't really asked Grian beforehand if he could hang out here and use his base to relax on.

"No worries, you're welcome to hang out at my base anytime. Night Mumbo." Grian puffed his wings out and stepped off the rock into the open air.

"Night Grian," Mumbo called after him as Grian dive-bombed and twirled in the air before disappearing into the main bottom rock. He watched the horizon for a while longer, watching the sun fully set and the dark of night sweep over the sky. The twinkle of stars slowly filled the sky before he decided it was time to head back to his base and get to bed. He pulled out his elytra and some fireworks, about to take off, but paused as his communicator pinged. He pulled it out to see a couple of messages from Zedaph in the Horn Gang private chat.

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