Ch 14: Flashback

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Their sleepover at Doc's had significantly cheered up the hybrid as he was back to his usual self. Mumbo had made a simple breakfast before they parted ways to work on projects for the day. Grian went to help Tango with Decked Out while Doc went off to discuss redstone contraptions with other hermits, something about needing some advice for a tunnel bore. Mumbo on the other hand went to continue his spy mission, this time without a pesky bird around to almost blow his cover.

He was determined to get another look at that gem, maybe if he got a better look at it, he could figure out why he vaguely recognized it in the first place. It felt like it was just on the tip of his tongue, which couldn't feel more frustrating. After a quick flight to the shopping district from Doc's base, Mumbo started his search by landing on top of the Hawkeye headquarters. He peered over the edge looking for nearby hermits, but nobody seemed to be in this section of the shopping district. Quickly, and very ungraciously, he glided down and landed with a thud in the middle of the road. He really needed to cash in that flight lesson with Grian sooner rather than later.

After dusting himself off he continued to search, beginning to weave through the buildings of the shopping district. He could pick up on Ren's scent as it seemed the King had been in the shopping district recently with how fresh it was. The dog hybrid always smelled like freshly cut wood, spices, and the occasional wet dog smell so it was easy to pick up his scent over others.

Mumbo also strained his ears, the best he could while they were pinned, which actually didn't help too much, and tried to listen for any signs of Ren. Or even Bdubs for that matter given how loud the hermit could get if prodded enough, his offended noises could echo tremendously. He didn't hear either hermit but instead heard a small group of other hermit's chatting nearby. It sounded like Doc, Cub, and Zedaph were nearby.

He didn't want to give up his sneaking around just yet, so he slowly prowled his way over to the group. He wanted to jump-scare them, have a laugh at their shocked faces, and then ask them if they had seen the King around recently. He followed the voices and peaked around a corner only for a stab of panic to hit him. His breath caught in his throat as he spotted a group in lab coats, not recognizing the hermits right away but instead hyper-focusing on the bright white lab coats they wore. He stumbled back further into the shadows as his vision blurred in panic, a sudden cold chill wracking his body.

Cold, why was he so cold all of a sudden? He looked down at his hands and realized they were trembling and so was the rest of him. It felt like his body immediately went into fight or flight mode, yet nothing remotely life-threatening was happening. A pit of dread engulfed his stomach as the world around him started to turn muted, a familiar static filled his ears as he felt his heart start to race. Had those lab coats seriously triggered a panic attack?!

He had to get out of this alley, preferably out of the shopping district but that felt like too much to ask in the moment. As his legs started to feel like Jello, he stumbled into the nearest shop which happened to be Bdub's shop, Moss O Menos. He stumbled and bumped against the farthest wall from the front door, hoping that no one would come in and find him in his pitiful state. His legs soon gave out from under him, using the wall for support as he slid down to the floor.

His body felt numb yet so cold at the same time, panic coursed through him even though nothing was happening. Leave it to his stupid brain to get himself spooked enough into a panic attack over stupid lab coats. Trying to ride out the fear he curled up the best he could against the wall, pulling his legs to his chest and hiding his face in his arms. His hands soon grabbed fistfuls of his hair as his breathing started to become uneven, soon stepping into hyperventilation territory.

He knew he should be messaging for help, void... Doc was nearby and could help. He just... didn't want those forsaken lab coats near him. He had ridden out panic attacks like this before by himself, how was now any different!? He probably shouldn't be tugging at his hair as roughly as he was, but his mind couldn't come up with anything else but those lab coats. They were surrounding him! They-

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