Ch 6: This Whole Time!?

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It had been about a week since Doc and Grian left, and his arms nicely healed up with minimal scarring thanks to the health potion. He still stuck close to his vault and would occasionally venture out to the shopping district. Plus, his new private chat was used to the fullest, each of them chatting with him for a bit at least once a day. Normally they were checking up on him, gossiping about the latest hermit tea, or sometimes passing on messages from other hermits.

Doc and Grian would pass on simple hi or thinking of you types of messages from a handful of other hermits. The server must've picked up that something had happened as everyone gave him some space but also made sure he knew they were there for him. Their kind words warmed his heart and gave him a little hope, but nerves still bubbled in his stomach. He would be ready to tell them what was actually going on someday, but today was not that day.

A soft knock on the front door echoed through the vault making his ear twitch. He quickly pinned his ears and tucked his tail away before heading to open the front door. Opening the vault entrance to find Scar standing outside, his cane in one hand and Jellie held in the other, a soft smile on his face. "Oh, hi Scar, hi Jellie," He greeted and Jellie happily meowed a hello. He was a bit surprised to see Scar, had the elf messaged him about dropping by today?

"Hello! I wanted to come and check up on you and if you were feeling better." Scar smiled, his eyes darting a glance at Mumbo's horns. Mumbo looked at him confused for a moment before he remembered what Doc had told him.

"Oooh right, right... I feel a lot better now." Mumbo nodded and nervously smiled as Scar slightly raised an eyebrow. He couldn't lie to Scar very well, just like how Grian could see right through him, and Scar seemed to have the same ability. He did feel guilty that Doc had lied on his behalf, but surely if Grian and Doc hadn't minded the truth then Scar shouldn't either.

"Since you're here," Mumbo started a bit hesitant as Jellie watched him with big eyes, "Why don't you come in, I'll make some tea for us." Scar's eyes brighten at the offer.

"Sure!" Mumbo couldn't help but genuinely smile at Scar's excitement before leading him inside and to the kitchen. Scar took a seat at the kitchen table and sat Jellie in his lap, who happily purred as Scar scratched her. Mumbo chewed on his lips as he prepared the tea, filling up the kettle before waiting for it to boil. He grabbed two tea bags, one he knew was Scar's favorite and then his own favorite before pulling out two mugs. It wasn't long until the kettle beeped, signaling the water was ready, and filled both cups before setting the kettle aside to cool.

He plopped in the tea bags and took a cup in each hand, handing one to Scar who thanked him before he took a seat. He tried to keep his hands still by holding onto the warm mug, not wanting Scar to see how his hands trembled. Anxiety sat like stones in his stomach as he stared at his drink, trying to focus on the warmth of the cup rather than his growing nerves.

"The horns are new," Scar said offhandedly, making Mumbo tense. He'd forgotten they were visible. "I didn't mean to point them out if you're uncomfortable with that."

"No I-it's okay. They're kind of new for me so I'm not used to them yet." Mumbo stumbled over his words, sort of caught off guard.

A silence settled over them, staring at their respective cups. So, Scar didn't hate the horns, but he also didn't say he liked them either.

"What's wrong Mumbo? Did something happen?" Scar asked softly, breaking the silence, making Mumbo sigh and slouch in on himself a little. Better say something now than later, he could always call Doc or Grian over if this went south.

"I wasn't really sick when you came over last. I guess not entirely... I had a pretty bad panic attack, Grian and Doc found me afterward." He confessed as Scar placed a reassuring hand on top of his. "The soup was really good by the way." He added which lightened the mood a little and made the other chuckle.

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