Ch 10: The Royal Event

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Mumbo spent nearly half an hour deciding on what suit to wear, unable to choose between one with golden accents and the other with red accents. He groaned and sent a quick message to Gem for her professional opinion on the matter. He trusted her fashion judgment on the matter. Quickly she replied and said the golden one, so he went with that one and got dressed. Since it was a royal event, he slicked his hair back slightly but made sure his ears were well hidden away.

He double-checked that his tail was hidden away before heading out the door. Grian had messaged him to meet him on the bridge that connected their bases. Heading out to the bridge he didn't have to wait long until the avian flew over. Grian donned an eloquent black suit vest with a dark red paisley pattern that blended in with the base color. It shimmered in the light and contrasted with his bright colorful wings.

"Wow! You look much fancier than usual. I don't think I've ever seen you wear this suit before," Grian beamed as his eyes followed the golden swirls that accented Mumbo's suit.

"Thought I should wear something more than just my normal suit. You look pretty fancy yourself too," Mumbo said with a smile, it was such a rare occasion to see Grian in anything else but his red jumper, "Still need help with your tie?" He noticed a matching tie in the avian hand.

"Yes, thanks," Giran said a bit sheepishly before offering his tie.

"No worries mate, it took me a couple of seasons before I could tie my own. XB spent a whole season teaching me before I finally got it," Mumbo rambled slightly as he looped the tie around the avian's neck and pulled it into a pristine-looking tie. Grian tried to watch as Mumbo expertly looped and pulled at parts, adjusting it so it wasn't too tight around his neck. "Do you think I could fly over with you?" Mumbo asked as smoothed out some creases on the front of the tie, "I don't want to show up by myself," He added nervously, he'd feel better having Grian at his side if everyone started asking questions when they showed up.

"Of course! And thanks again," Grian's wings puffed up in excitement, "Maybe you could teach me how to tie a tie sometime?"

"Sure! In exchange, you can teach me how to fly better. Or at least land better," Mumbo chuckled, it sounded like an even trade to him.

"Deal!" Grian was quick to answer and held out his hand to shake on it.

"Deal." Mumbo nodded and shook the avian's hand before equipping his elytra to get ready for the flight over.

"Ready to go?" Grian asked, flaring his wings out to take off. Mumbo nodded and pulled out some rockets before they took off towards the Crastle. They flew over other hermit's bases and over the shopping district until the tall building came into view. Grian landed near the entrance and opened his arms to catch Mumbo, who tried his best to slow down, but sort of crashed into the avian anyways. The pair laughed as Grian was nearly thrown off balance, but with a couple of wing beats the two kept upright. "We definitely need to work on your landing skills," The avian laughed.

"Yeah yeah, I know," Mumbo huffed jokingly as he got his footing and put away his elytra. Grian reached out and snatched up Mumbo's hand before leading the way inside, pulling them towards loud chatter and clinks of cups from inside. They soon found the main throne room following said sounds. A majority of the hermits were already there and filled up the room, clumping together in handfuls of groups. Mumbo squeezed Grian's hand for some courage as they entered the eloquently decorated room. You could tell at a glance that it was the work of Bdubs, simply by the gradients the mossy hermit was known for. The walls had varying shades of stone that helped accent the red tapestries that decorated the walls and hung from balconies above.

The pair stood in awe as they took in the red and golden decorations that covered the soaring ceilings and walls. The towering windows let in the outside dying light cast in shades of pink, orange, and yellows blanketing the room in color. They were too busy taking in the details and nuances of the throne room to notice Ren approaching them, dressed in a similarly decorated outfit.

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