Ch 8: Are You Sure?

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After the impromptu sleepover at Doc's an odd peace had settled and helped curb Mumbo's anxious thoughts. The group had spent a little while longer lounging in Doc's nest, not that the goat seemed to mind. They chatted amongst themselves while Mumbo preened Grian's wings as Grian soothed Mumbo's hair and rubbed his ears. Mumbo happily leaned into the touch which seemed to spark Xisuma's curiosity again.

The voidwalker watched intently for a moment before tentatively asking if he could touch. Mumbo was hesitant at first but gave the okay and he let the admin reach out. He almost let out a content moo as X rubbed and soothed the fur in a very comforting way. He leaned into the touch enough that he nearly toppled over into the voidwalkers lap.

After a while of chatting eventually each of them had to head out, having varying levels of chores or promises to help another hermit. Scar teased that next time they have a sleepover at Mumbo's place under better circumstances. Xisuma and Grian made sure Mumbo got back to his base safely. They wanted to make sure he made it in one piece after he had a few unsuccessful launches out of Doc's base Grian had to give him an updraft as a boost.

The group laughed and cheered when he finally made it out, landing in the grass above. Grian and Xisuma joined him for the rest of the flight home before saying their goodbyes and leaving. Mumbo had some of his own chores to do and then got some quiet time to himself.

He did have a couple of things he had been putting off, like properly messaging the Horn gang group chat back about getting together. They had talked about getting together for another beach day or a just day to relax. Doc must've seen the messages too, but Mumbo had been too tired to really read them all and respond properly.

Zedaph had also said that thanks to their help his mini games were finished and ready for anyone to play. It had been fun testing out the games with the group and hanging out with them afterward. Maybe he could build another sandcastle or have a sandcastle-building competition.

A message popped up on the screen from Xisuma, who was asking if he could drop off some blankets. He rolled his eyes and chuckled as it hadn't been long since the admin and Grian had dropped him off at his base. He couldn't help but tease him slightly for his eagerness in reply but gave the go-ahead to come over.

It felt odd answering the door with his tail swishing behind him and ears on full display when X arrived. He carried a shulker full of blankets as Mumbo welcomed him inside. An odd scent lingered on the box and the fabric inside as it was plonked on the floor and opened. More of the scent poured out as he pulled out some blankets and curiously sniffed them. The blankets smelled like the void but also distinctly like Xisuma at the same time.

It was an odd smell but still comforting nonetheless as it was from a herd mate, let alone from the herd leader. The admin nervously watched him and fidgeted as Mumbo sniffed the blankets, even through X's helmet Mumbo could see the worry on his face. "I couldn't put my finger on the void scent for a moment," Mumbo chuckled trying to ease X's nerves, "But don't worry they're perfect," He added which made X visibly relax and faintly smile. Mumbo pulled out just a couple of blankets from the full box, he didn't want to take too much or steal the shulker.

Now with an armful of new blankets to add he knew X would be curious about his nest. So, he decided he would indulge the admin a bit, "Did you want to see the nest?" He offered which made X perk up and curiosity shine in his eyes.

"Is that okay?" X asked hesitantly as he picked up the shulker and popped it into his inventory.

"Yeah, you're welcome in the nest anytime," Mumbo nodded and led the way to the nest room. X seemed nervous to enter as Mumbo dropped the new blankets into the nest, his tail swishing excitedly. He glanced back at the voidwalker standing stiffly in the doorway like he needed permission or a special code.

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