Notes Chapter

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!! This notes page will be moved to be the last chapter of this fic for each update. It will be moved accordingly when new chapters are posted. !!

Related Fics

On Wattpad and Ao3

The Bull's Horns Oneshot Book.

Work in Progress/Not Yet Posted

Sequel "The Bull's Heart"

Four more chapters to add to the Oneshot Book.

Fic Notes

Breed Classifications

The Bull's Horns: Mumbo; Black Angus and Holstein mix (Holstein Angus cross). Black ears and tail with normal tan colored horns that have faintly dark tips. /\ ???; Highland with a black coat and normal tan colored horns.

Oneshots: Tommyinit from New Adventures and New Friends: Aryshire /\ ??? from ???: Jersey

Author's Notes

Have any questions for me or my fic? Feel free to reach out and ask, I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

Want to see the next chapter before it's posted? Support me on Redbubble or boost my Discord server to receive a WIP of the next chapter and WIP oneshots related to this fic! More details below. If there are any questions please reach out. <3

•My Linktree to make things easier. Link here:

•I run a Discord server dedicated to this fic, and writing/creativity in general. I'm very active over there and I share lots of spoilers and future chapter plans, I also occasionally have polls and discussions there that directly influence this fic! So if you have a discord come say hi! I don't bite! Link here:

•I also have a Tumblr for any questions, anonymous questions are open too. Link here:

•There is a Spotify and Youtube inspiration playlist of songs that have had a massive impact while writing this fic. Link here: Spotify Youtube

•I have opened up a Redbubble with stickers and more based on this fic. Redbubble:

•This fic can also be found on Ao3 under the same username (slidepool) and the same fic name.

Update Log

12/09/2022 update: Expect chapter 10 real soon! I'm a very busy college student so sorry for the long wait.

12/12/2022 update: Did some major fixing and grammar updates to all chapters except for chapter 10.

1/30/2023: Chapter 1 has been rewritten and edited.

2/20/2023: Chapters 2-11 have been rewritten and edited.

6/26/2023: Notes chapter has been updated!

9/10/2023: Redbubble stickers are now available! Also if you want to see the next work in progress chapter of this fic its up on my Ko-fi to anyone who donates a coffee. Both are linked above!

12/11/2023: A oneshot book for this fic's AU has been posted! Be sure to check it out for more cow hybrid Mumbo content!

1/26/2024: Anyone worried about this fic ending because season 9 ended please don't worry. I wouldn't abandon this fic with how much I have planned. :) I love this fic too much to end it or abandon it anytime soon. I'm just a slow writer with a busy schedule lol.

4/28/2024: I have been super busy with college/university so working on this fic has been really slow. But I only have 5 weeks of classes left! I hope to update again within the first months of summer, but no promises as I don't want to force myself and potentially burnout which I would absolutely hate. I'm always down to chat in the meantime both here and on my discord or other social medias! <3

6/27/2024: I'm finally on summer break and getting back into the groove of writing! I'm so excited for the next few chapters and have also been working on a sequel! This book still has more chapters to go before it's finished but the sequel idea wouldn't leave me alone lol. If you enjoy romance and don't mind hermit shipping get excited for the sequel "The Bull's Heart." :D

7/16/2024: Did a massive grammatical update to hopefully strengthen all the currently posted chapters. Please let me know/point out any grammar issue found or anything out of the ordinary and I'll fix it as soon as I can.

7/28/2024: I'm working on drawing a cover for this and the sequel. Keep an eye out and let me know what you think when you see it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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