Chapter 1- GrimDaughter

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"We don't normally take in students in the middle of the year." The tiny Headmistress looking at us from over her comically large light brown wooden desk. Tiny tight curls pinned to her head, thin lips painted red, and large green eyes magnified by her thick lenses.

"Ms.-" The deep voice that belongs to Abe fills the room, making her raise her chin a little higher. I watch her tiny frame carefully. Holding herself up high despite knowing how Abe towered over her, over us both.

Abe was fairly large in stature, cleanly shaven face and a buzz cut. He thought he was handsome and sort of had an ego because of it, good thing Father had a knack for humbling him, even when he joined us two years ago.

"Penelope. Staff and students usually call me Ms. Penelope." She smiles kindly. No intimidation in her voice, nor does she look intimidated.

"Ms. Penelope, Elias hasn't had proper education in years. She's smart but, I can only give her so much and grave digging isn't a profession for someone as young as her. Our father, cannot watch over her forever." His voice somber, his head low feigning some sort of concern for me.

In reality, Abe was more of a baby sitter to me than a real grave digger. Me and Father did most of the grave digging anyway.

I hated Abe for doing this. I didn't want a fucking college education, but he said it was good for me! That it was good for building relationships, if not reinforcing your mind with the things they teach here. I just know he wants to dump me somewhere and run off to do fuck all.

No way would Father force me into university.

"You're a grave digger." Ms. Penelope was now looking at me. I didn't respond, my fingers clenching tightly onto the brim of my wide black hat that now sat on my knees.

The hats were almost necessary. A trade mark of a grave digger. Almost like a crown.

"The circumstances are strange, indeed." She shakes her head. "I cannot authorize a student to enroll in the middle of the year, plus I wouldn't know where to put her, but I can talk to a few of the board members, run it through with them and we might be able to do something."

"Abe, let's just leave." I whisper finally speaking up. "I don't want to go to school. I don't want to be here!"

He looks back at me, his eyes yelling at me to stand down.

Despite what the fucker said, I barely believed him. but he kept saying it was for both of us, that we both needed time apart. That after a few months, he'll come back and we go back to grave digging, together. He kept saying our father would agree.

"How long have you been a grave digger, Elias?"

I'm silent again. Abe once again speaks up.

"She's been with us since she was nine. Father took her in and taught her the job. She talks to no one else but him and myself. She trusts no one else but us." Abe's hand resting on my arm. I snatch my arm out of his hold sucking my teeth at him.

"I've been a grave digger for eleven years, Abe was saved by my father two years ago. Believe me Headmistress, he doesn't have that much power here." My tone spiteful and Abe glowering at me from the expensive leather bound seat.

Ms. Penelope's eyes flicker back to him, arms folded on her desk as she stares at him cynically. Her lips lifting into a tight lipped smile.

"And who are you? Her brother? A caretaker?" She slips the phrase out like honey off a spoon. Abe stiffens, and the headmistress smiles unassumingly, as if her question could never offend.

Abe doesn't respond. Knowing exactly why my father picked him up in the first place, and now here he was; blatantly dropping all of what was given to him and running off.

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