Chapter 26- Manhunt

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I'm leaning against my new marble counter top, head in my hands as his face is now branded in my memories.

Fucking Avis!

I can't believe she still has his soul! How does that happen? Why is he staying?

Opala is sitting next to me on the counter after having listened to my whole rant on the subject. She sits silent and still, her breathing even and slow as we both processed everything.

"I would hate to be her enemy." Opala whispers in astonishment.

"Do you think you could survive that?"

"No!" Opala shakes her head. "Not on either end, goddess! Stuck with the person who literally burned down your life? Absolutely not!"

"Our relationship will never be normal." I sigh. "He'll always be in the back corner of her mind. She didn't sleep last night, I can feel it." I puns my hand on the table frustrated. "It's like I can hear him too."

"What?" Opala looking at me her face twisted in confusion.

"When she showed him to me, his mouth wasn't moving, but he was speaking." I couldn't keep my voice from shaking.

"That's so creepy." Opala shudders.

"It'll always be like a third person is in the room."

There is a long moment of silence before Opala puts her hand on my shoulder. A shuddering breath leaving us both. She rubs circles on my shoulder before giving me a gentle pat.

"You need to make him feel unwelcome and unwanted as possible then." She says simply. "You need to make sure he always knows, that you are the wall between them. That you are impenetrable."

"He...moved back when I came at him." I say recalling his grey dead ghostly figure. His eyes watching me, then Elias, then me again. When Elias touched me, he screamed.

I could hear him scream.

"He knows you're a threat."

"He's a parasite that won't leave." I growl. "I hate that he's with her, all the time. I hate what she feels around him. I can feel her now!"

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"She's always smiling and making jokes. But inside she's angry, enraged even. And tired. She's always so tired."

"Really? I thought the bags under her eyes were just for fashion." Opala quips and I sit up quickly glaring at her. "Sorry." She mutters. "She does joke a lot! It's starting to rub off a bit."

I sigh.

"I could have gone with a threesome joke but it would have been a bit too much."

"Goddess." I huff.


Juni and I sat outside the sun bright and warm but the air doing its job, cooling us as we held our plastic plates of greasy Chinese food. Juni munching on a shrimp roll underneath his blue hat. Wearing white pajama set as he wiggled his toes between the emerald green blades of grass.

The Tv monitor behind us loud and a crowd drawn around it like moths to a flame.

"In other news! The wine company responsible for the attacks has just been identified as RavenHill, Avis's former pack. It seems to be under a new leader but the identity of their Alpha has not been revealed yet, sources say they have a lead but there is still a pending investigation. We can confirm the poison found, is a new genetically and very lethal strain of wolfsbane mixed with nightshade. Even the smell of the flower itself can cause immediate disorientation and sickness and can even lead to a coma, and death if not treated immediately. The doctors have just released information that they have an antidote to combat this lethal toxin and the cure is in production now. They're set to be shipped out within the next few weeks to every new age and Legacy pack in the world. The cure is said to be from an anonymous donor that survived the full dosage of the flower itself-"

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