Chapter 20- Shame

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It was just me in the apartment, snacking on a granola bar as I packed away my clothes into a box. Readying my move to Obsidian, I can admit I feel content at the idea to be living on my own. Not with a whole pack of roommates, but in a space I can have to myself. Quiet, with actual food in the fridge and beer people won't steal.

Just as I put away the last my things, taping up the box, I hear the front door open and slam shut.

I quickly stomp out to the living room and see Opala angrily rummaging through the kitchen fridge. I sigh as I watch her frustratedly grunt to herself.

"Ugh! Where the hell is the beer!" She shouts.

Well I fucking stand corrected.

"What happened?" I ask confused at her demeanor.

"Elias! She...she asked me if I was fucking Seth!" She says finally finding a can of beer and popping it open. Chugging more than half before slamming it on the counter top. My eyes shoot up in surprise, but that doesn't sound wholly unlike El.

" were." I shrug. I wasn't going to go easy on her, because I actually very much like Juni despite his close relationship with Elias.

"But not anymore! We stopped!"

"Yeah, as soon as you realized Juni wasn't your lap dog anymore." I say trying to keep myself from laughing at her. "I mean come on, Opala! What did you think was going to happen? That Juni would just forget?"

"She said he forgave me." She retorts.

"That's shocking. If I were Juni, I'd make you suffer. I'd make it hurt from the inside out, I'd be super fucking petty if I was Juni." I say, total honesty in my voice as she stares at me, eyes filling with tears.

"I am suffering. He's choosing her!" She shouts.

"And you chose his brother." I lift my hands in a shrug and she sighs, groaning loudly as she chugs the rest of the beer.

"I didn't mean to sleep with Seth! He just-" she stops. "It was a mistake."

"A mistake you kept going back to for the whole school year." I remind her.

"Sam stop it!" She shouts.

"What the hell do you want me to say!" I shout back. "I was there! I watched Juni watch you sneak into his brothers room, and you know what I did?" I ask as she stares at me. "I took him on walks. Long, long walks, we talked about flowers, and botany. We talked about the ocean and how Juni has thalassophobia. I know more about your mate than you ever could. But I know that he kept himself out of his own room that he shared with his brother, in case you forgot that tiny fact, because he could still smell the sex you both had."

Opala's hands come up to cover her face. Sobbing in shame as I drill her on the facts about her and Juni. She had to understand that this wasn't okay.

"What do you want me to say? That I'm ashamed? I know what I did was wrong!" She sobs, the tears flowing and dripping from her sharp chin.

"Then stop looking for excuses and own up to what you did. If not for the sake of blatant fucking honesty, then do it for Juni." My voice firm glaring down at her but she refuses to look at me. "He's a person too, and until Elias came you didn't even give him the time of day. You say it was because he was shy, you say it was just because he was introverted. I think, you just liked the way Juni fawned over you. How he pined for you, how he forgave you after every encounter. That's what your mad about. You're just not the center of attention anymore."

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