chapter 1 - alone -

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Will sighed as he woke up on the first of August 1987.  The sunlight streamed through the blinds on his window. The birds chirped outside of the window, and it sounded like it was going to be a disgustingly perfect day. He and his family had moved back to Hawkins about 3 months ago after everything had happened with Vecna... except Will didn't think about Vecna. So, his family had moved into a new house after.... Everything. Max was still in a coma for unknown reason, Dustin wasn't the same for no apparent reason, and Will was alone.

Walking through the doors of Hawkins High Will accepted that he was going to spend his junior year alone. It's not even that he minded being alone. He was a quiet kid even before the upside down, content to live in his own mind. It was different now though. Because he also missed the party. After everything during spring break, they had tried to go back too normal, tried to play D+D and laugh and be normal teenagers, but it wasn't the same. The first time Mike had tried a campaign Lucas had canceled saying he couldn't bear to leave the hospital, to leave Max, and Dustin had held back tears until halfway through when he got up and left. El had no interest in playing so that had just left Mike and Will.

"So...." Will looked up from where he had been nervously picking at his fingernails looking at everything but Mike. Looking at Mike was just too difficult. "So..." he replied. Mike's eyes shifted away from Will's and he hurriedly started packing up the game words falling quickly out of his mouth, "I guess there's no reason for us to keep playing since it's not a two person game, huh?" "Of course," Will thought bitterly "There's nothing worse to Mike than having to spend ten fucking minutes alone with his so called best friend". "Yeah, guess not" He muttered sullenly getting up and walking towards the basement steps. He didn't care if Mike didn't want to spend time with him. He was fine with being alone.

Will jolted in surprise knocked out of his reverie by the chest of the person he had just walked straight into. "Shit...sorry...uhm here let me" Will rambled trying to pick up the papers of the person he had just walked straight into. "Hey, relax , no worries." Will said a silent prayer that he had his face turned to the ground so that this person did not see the deepening red blush he was sure was spreading across his cheeks at the sound of the deep voice. He allowed himself a moment to compose himself before looking up at the stranger. Correction, the handsome stranger he thought to himself while simultaneously ignoring the nagging voice in the back of his mind confirming this handsome stranger look suspiciously like Mike Wheeler.

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