Chapter 23 - Never Gonna Give You Up -

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Will and Mike immediately settled down in Mike's basement and started watching a movie. The rest of the group had decided they would arrive at Mike's house around eight and they would all drive to the party together, or rather Mike would drive them all there. So Mike and Will had several hours to themselves. Well, mostly to themselves Will thought as Mrs. Wheeler yelled down the basement stairs. "Boys! Dinner." Mike rolled his eyes, "Five minutes mom!" A pause. "NO, NOW MICHAEL." Mike sighed throwing of the blanket he had made himself comfortable with. "C'mon let's go eat." Will nodded and they walked up the stairs.

There was something weird about the Wheeler house, Will observed as they walked upstairs. The smell of cleaning products in the air, the almost artificial quality the house had. It's like if you walked in you'd have no idea that two teenagers and a child lived here. It was perfect, in an eerie way. Will suspected that was the doing of Karen Wheeler. He had observed Mrs. Wheeler over the years and noticed she liked to have everything perfect. No arguing in front of the guest, perfect smiles when they left the house, that kind of thing. He had always wondered how much of it was a façade.
As he and Mike sat down at the dinner table an awkward silence fell over the room. Will looked over to Mike quizzically and Mike just shook his head. Will had forgotten how tense the Wheeler household could be. "Ted!" Karen called turning her head to face her husband who was still reclining his eyes fixated on the TV. "Hmm?" he muttered. Karen sighed and rolled her eyes in exasperation "Dinner!" Ted nodded slowly getting up and out of the lazy boy, as the TV shut off the silence became even more awkward. Will couldn't handle it, he turned to Holly and quickly made a funny face at her before anyone else noticed. This sent her into a fit of giggles and produced a smile from everyone else at the table. Will smiled to himself then realized Mike was grinning at him as well and then blushed, quickly turning his head away.

Mr. Wheeler sat down and noticed Will. "Hello." He said voice gruff. Ted Wheeler did not like free loading children hanging around his house. However, he did like Will a bit more than the rest of Mike's friends. "Hi Mr. Wheeler." Will said cheerily "How are you?" "Fine" Ted responded, clearly appeased by Will's politeness.
As the family started eating Mike spoke up, "So remember we aren't going to be home tonight cause we're staying at Dustin's overnight, okay mom." Mrs. Wheeler looked surprised "oh! I must have forgotten you mentioning that." Mike smiled at her innocently "I did, on Wednesday. Will's coming too remember?" Mike grinned over at Will and will nodded "Yep, Dustin's mom's turn to be bothered by loud teenagers! You guys are off the hook tonight." Mrs. Wheeler smiled at that and continued the conversation with her unresponsive husband. Mike mouthed a silent thank you to Will and Will nodded back at him. He ignored the quick pang at how easy it was for them to both lie now.

After the end of a silent and awkward dinner Mike and Will went back into the basement. Will dramatically flopped down onto the couch and Mike sat down quietly. "You good?" Will queried staring at the other boy. Mike shrugged silently. Will continued to stare, something was clearly wrong. Mike looked up at him.
"My family sucks." His lip was trembling. Oh. So that wasn't always normal. Will sighed and reached over to hug his friend. "No it's okay." When Will held him, Mike melted into his touch. This was home, this was where his comfort was. So he cried. Will held him and wiped the tears from his cheeks. They lay on the couch for awhile the taller boy comforting the smaller one 'till Mike's crying subsided. "You gonna be okay?" Will whispered. The mood they were in was fragile and he didn't want to break it by speaking to loudly. Mike nodded and seemed to realize how close he and Will were. Mike's head was resting on Will's chest and his whole body was leaning on Will's. He sat up wiping the tears quickly from his face and smiling. "So great." Will frowned at this. Were they seriously gonna move past that so quickly? A knock came from the basement door. Guess so, Will thought bitterly.

Mike and Will quickly left the basement, and everyone piled into Mike's car. Will sat in the front and the other four piled on top of each other into the back seat. There weren't quite enough spaces, but they made it work. Some Rick Astley song that Max and El seemed to love came on and they started singing. It was getting hot with all the people in the car so Will cranked his window down smiling to himself. The sun was setting, and the girls were screaming "Never gonna give you up!" from the backseat. He turned to look at Mike whose hair was blowing in the wind and his smile turned into a grin. Mike started singing as well and Will began to laugh as Mike held up an imaginary microphone. "God Mike!" Dustin yelled. "Stop flirting with William and pay attention to the road before you kill us all. Both Will and Mike's smiles fell at this comment, and they stared ahead at them. Will was sure his face was on fire and he hoped Mike hadn't noticed.

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