Chapter 20 - Can't be Your Friend Can't be Your Lover -

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David had decided to surprise Will by coming to visit. When he pulled into the Byers' driveway he realized there were no cars in the driveway but decided that there was no harm in checking to see if Will was home anyways. He knocked on the door but no response. However, he could hear what he thought was crying from inside the house. "Will?" he yelled "Are you okay?"
No answer.
He tried the door, and it opened. Walking through the house he followed the sound of crying until he got to Will's room. "Will?" he tapped at the door lightly. "Can I come in?" No response, he opened the door. Will was shaking sobbing under his covers in bed. "Hey" David said gently walking over to the bed and holding Will in his arms.
"What's going on?"
David felt rage boiling over inside him, what had that asshole done now? "What did he do?"
Will looked up at him startled, "It's not like that." Will hesitated, not really wanting to explain his complicated feelings about Mike to his boyfriend. "I just, feel sad today."
David nodded and held Will. "Are we okay?"
Will nodded, "Yeah of course, Why wouldn't we be."
David nodded again, and Will wondered why he still didn't look satisfied with his answer.

After Will had calmed down a bit David had gotten up to leave but Will had pulled him back down.
"Stay?" he asked softly, his gentle brown eyes pleading in a way David couldn't say no to.

'Okay" He muttered lying back down on the bed. He and Will slipped under the covers, and he wrapped his arms around Will's smaller body, their faces turned towards each other. Will smiled sweetly at him then moved closer. David was pleased to just observe his boyfriends pretty face, but Will clearly wanted to kiss him, so he closed the distance.

At first the kisses were sweet and slow, but after awhile Will kisses became more frantic, desperate even. It's not like David didn't want to make out with his boyfriend but he wasn't sure he wanted to make out with him after he had just been crying about Mike Wheeler. "Will." He mumbled. Will looked up at him questioningly. "What." David frowned at the other boy. "Your tired and sad. Just sleep." Looking at his boyfriends disappointed face he grinned and pressed a kiss onto his head. "There will be other chances for you to make out with me, I promise." Will laughed at that and they fell asleep.

Joyce woke up to the sound of Will having a nightmare. She hurriedly rushed into the room of her youngest son, about to push the door open more than the crack it was already open when she saw him already being held by someone. She observed through the small sliver between the door and the wall. She honestly couldn't tell if it was Mike or David in Will's bed, but when the black-haired boy kissed her son and told him he was safe she knew it was David. She quietly tiptoed back to her room. He was all grown up, he had someone. She smiled to herself as she fell asleep.
However, Will couldn't sleep. David couldn't comfort him the same as Mike. David didn't know that Will needed to be told he was in his room, not that he was okay. He needed to have and arm on his shoulder and a tight embrace to calm him not a kiss. He needed Mike, not David he realized.


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