Chapter 9 - Lonely Boy-

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Will woke up with a start the next morning. Or rather he woke up and was then startled by Davids peaceful sleeping face right next too his. Then everything from the night before came rushing to the forefront of his mind. OH MY GOD. David had kissed him, they had kissed! And David had thought that he was into Mike? While Will sat there and pondered what this meant for his friendship with David, David began too stir. Untangling his arms from Will's waist he grinned.


David sat up and put his head on Will's shoulder. This drew Will out of his reverie and he turned down to smile at David. "I have to ask," Will said, sounding apprehensive, "Was that kiss last night just a one time thing or are we going to be like, a thing." David laughed "I like you Will, I was kinda hoping it wouldn't just be a one time thing."

Will laughed, "Me too." He cautiously put his hand onto David's hair, wrapping his fingers around the curls. Then, "I'm gonna go get ready for school, you probably should too." Struck by a sudden bolt of courage he tilted his head down and caught David's lips in a quick kiss. God he couldn't believe he could just do that now. Just kiss someone like that. "Oh and you're giving me a ride." He grinned while getting out of bed.

Fifteen minutes later both boys came into the kitchen to a smiling Joyce getting ready to head out the door. "Hey Honey" she smiled at Will, "Good morning David" Will could've sworn he saw David blush a bit while speaking to his mother. "Good morning Mrs.Byers, how are you?" Joyce smiled, 'I'm alright. Will, I got called into work early and I really have to head out. Could you get a ride to school with David?" Will nodded hugging his mom as she headed out the door slamming it shut.

Looking amused, Will turned to David, "Don't kiss me just yet," he smiled "She will be back any second, she's always forgetting something." Sure enough Joyce ran back through the door grabbing the keys on the entrance table. "Might need these to drive the car." She chuckled at her own joke dashing out the house again.

"Now can I kiss you?" David said right next to Will's ear, causing him to jump. Will nodded but pulled away a few seconds into the kiss when he saw the time. "Holy shit we are gonna be late." David looked very displeased at the interruption, muttering "Who cares." Laughing, Will grabbed him by the shoulders and started pushing him towards the door. "I do, I'm obsessed with getting good grades." Laughing, David handed Will the keys. "Turn the car on, I'm just gonna grab my stuff from your room.

Will unlocked David's car then sat in the passenger seat dumbfounded for a few minutes. He seriously couldn't believe his luck. This time last week he had been alone and depressed, constantly thinking about all the horrible things that had happened to him and having barely any support system. All of the sudden this guy walked into his life. He seriously couldn't believe his luck, and he had to tell the party.

They were his friends, they deserved to know. If they didn't want too talk too him anymore after he told them that was fine, it was their call. But he really wanted his friends back and if he told them maybe it would help bring the party back together. He thought he was okay being lonely but he hadn't realized how hard it was until he had someone who wanted him.

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