Chapter 26 - Wish You Were Gay -

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The boys smiled as Mike drove them home. It was almost the end of October and the leaves had changed leaving the crisp smell of fall in the air as they drove. Will breathed in deeply. Before the upside down he had loved fall. Now it brought back a lot of unpleasant memories. Then again, almost everything brought back unpleasant memories. "You good Will?" Except for Mike.

Will smiled and nodded in a way he hoped was believable, but Mike wasn't stupid.
"What's up."
"Fall reminds me of the upside down a lot, and it sucks because I used to love fall. Sometimes I get so frustrated about everything that's been taken away from me."
Mike nodded staring at the other boy, Will appreciated it at first but as the stare drew out longer, he mumbled "The road Mike." Mike turned his head in what Will hoped was fast enough that he couldn't see the blush dusting his cheeks with pink at the moment.

"What are you doing today?" Mike queried as they turned onto the Byer's street a few minutes later.
Will looked up at him in surprise "Nothing much, maybe some painting. Why?"
Mike shrugged his shoulders, "Just wanted to hang out if that's okay with you?
Will nodded "Yeah you can hang out at my place I will do some painting though, so I'll probably be pretty quiet."
Mike's face split into that grin that had a way of making Will's heart stop. As soon as Mike smiled Will would subconsciously notice his lips, his teeth, and the small dimple that popped up on the side of his mouth. Then Will's eyes would wander to Mike's cheekbones, and he would feel his face turn bright red as he felt a blush creeping over his cheeks.
Mike pulled into the empty driveway; Joyce must be working. The two boys wandered into Will's room where Will flopped onto his bed. Facedown in his blankets he mumbled: "M head hurts again." Mike laughed and dropped onto the bed next to Will, staring up at his ceiling. "I take it your not going to do any painting then?" Will smiled as he rolled over and crawled under the blankets. "Nope, gonna lie down and sleep forever." Mike laughed and then panicked as Will patted the spot next to him in bed.
The idea of sharing a bed with Will should have been fine. It shouldn't have even crossed his mind that it could be considered weird because they were friends. They were best friends, and best friends shared beds. It was just what they did. So Mike swallowed the lump in his throat and swallowed as he crawled under the blankets next to Will. Will's eyes were already heavy with sleep, and he grinned at Mike as he fell asleep. Then he muttered to himself, blush rising on his cheeks. "I called you pretty last night." Mike laughed trying not to let the panic show on his face. Shit. Will was remembering last night. He brushed it off best as he could. "I am pretty" The drew a small chuckle on Will's face and then the taller boy spurred by some rare moment of courage wrapped his arms around Mike.

Mike tried not to panic as Will fell asleep attached to him. This was fine. This is what best friends did. It did feel nice he reasoned to himself. Plus he was tired. So he decided he would think about why it felt so nice to hug his best friend later and for now just wrap his arms around the taller boy's waist and buy his head of raven hair into Will's chest. He smelt like home.
The boys woke up what must've been an hour or two later Will judged if how brightly the sun shining through the windows was any indicator. Mike's arms were wrapped around his waist. Will froze staring at the sleeping boy attached to him. The sun kissed only part of Mike's face bathing the boy's freckles in golden light which Will admired for a few moments. He couldn't help himself just this once while Mike was sleeping he brushed a curl out of the boy's face. He smiled to himself. These were his little things. The secret longing moments he held in his heart in place of real ones.

There were things Will could never have with Mike. Like a kiss. He would never get to kiss Mike Wheeler but he could..... all the sudden a memory came floating up to Will from the repressed and drunken part of his brain. Mike had kissed him last night. Holy shit, he had kissed Mike and forgotten about it. Why hadn't Mike brought it up? Had he forgotten? His panicked thoughts were disturbed by the other boy shifting removing his hands from Will's waist.
Despite his current realization Will still cringed as Mike removed his hands and sat up in bed. "What do you remember about last night?" Will questioned gingerly.
Mike's face fell. "You remember." He muttered quietly.
Will nodded.
A pause....then...
"I'm not gay." Mike said firmly moving a few inches away from Will. "I was just shitfaced, and honestly so were you. So it was probably just like we were so drunk and because were such close friends we got confused."
Will looked up at Mike startled. That was not what he had wanted to hear. We were drunk?!?! That was Mike's excuse?!?!?! He wanted to yell but instead in a calm voice he even surprised himself with he said, "Yeah makes sense." Mike nodded and both boys stared at each other.

Mike stared at the taller boy. His sweet brown eyes were looking down at him and even though he wasn't gay all Mike wanted to do was kiss him, it was like a different part of his brain was controlling him. Definitely not the rational side. He leaned up and quickly pressed his lips to Will's. Will's mouth opened in surprise and Mike deepened the kiss. When Will didn't respond Mike pulled away flustered. He ran a hand through his messy hair and awkwardly got up from the bed. "I should Uuh, get going. Mom's probably worried." Will nodded still looking absolutely shell shocked. "Right, yeah." He nodded not making a move from his bed.
"Bye Mike."
"Bye Will."

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