Mission Impossible

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When I came to, I was lying in his bed and he was nowhere in sight. How long had I been out for? It still seemed light out. I had to get back to the dwarves. Get them out so we could make it to the lonely mountains before Durin's day, whenever that was... I winced as I sat up. Last night's activities had left me quite sore.

When I managed to wrestle my aching body out of bed, I felt something drip down my thighs. Thranduil's seed. Lovely. I grabbed a piece of his duvet and wiped it away, then I wiped my vagina. It was sensitive, having been through some shit, but I couldn't just walk around with his fucking seed inside me. Shit. What if I got pregnant? But then I remembered elves were pregnant for years and years. I probably wouldn't be in this world for that long.

First things first: Assessing my surroundings. Thranduil's chambers were large. Easily four times the size of my parents house. There was the door that led to the bathing chambers. I went there first, being thrilled to find a sort of toilet. Peeing had never felt so good. Even though I hadn't eaten in what felt like days, I managed to poop too, which I was very pleased about. It was best to poop when you had access to a toilet. Gods knew when I'd find another one. Fiction always glossed over such details, but I was living in a fictional world and my body was very real. I had needs and I did not want to perform them without a toilet.

The toilet didn't have a handle, but water was constantly flowing through it and so my... my waste... was automatically flushed to... somewhere. I didn't care where. That was certainly not my problem. I stopped by the bath that I now could see was a hot spring and quickly washed the important areas. My hair had dried, so I must have slept for a while judging by the length of my hair.

Back in Thranduil's chambers I found a mirror. I felt almost apprehensive getting in front of it, and was surprised by what met me: I had never been skinny and I wasn't now either, but I looked rather strong. I looked like I'd done manual labor my entire life, maybe this body had? My muscles were defined, but not in a I-haven't-had-water-in-hours-way that actors in superheroes movies often went for. I had my "love handles", my thick thighs and a not-flat stomach with stretch marks. I looked hot. It wasn't that much of a difference as before, just the strong part. I was rather awed at it. I had long curly crimson hair. My eyes were strange though, unnaturally golden. Why hadn't anyone commented on that? My face was my own, but it was also speckled with freckles. I didn't have freckles, but I had put it on with makeup before. Freckles suited me. I would probably have stared at myself for quite some time if my nose hadn't caught the scent of food closeby. Following my nose like a starving dog, I found a tray full of food on a table with two chairs by a window.

Thranduil had kept his promise. He'd actually brought me food. I could kiss his feet, My stomach grumbled aggressively. I was fucking starving. I threw myself over the food, barely chewing as I swallowed pieces of bread, cheese, fruit, vegetables and dessert, chugging it all down with excellent wine. It was so good! I only removed myself from the plate once it was empty. And by then I was feeling rather full, on the verge of nauesious. Burping to myself, I then went on looking for clothes.

Thranduil's clothes were much too large for me, but I didn't exactly have an option as he hadn't left me any clothes with the food and wine. Maybe he thought I wouldn't risk running away naked? Well, if that was the case, then he was wrong. Even if I hadn't found his clothes, that wouldn't have stopped me from escaping. I couldn't afford to be that self-conscious, and besides I was hot. Let them see.

I approached the door again, my face turning hot with the memories that flooded when I did, memories of him fucking me against it. My cheek still felt sore, both from him slapping me and from it being pressed into the wood. I tried the handle, it was unlocked, but when I opened it and peeked out, there was a guard guarding it. Guarding me I suppose. "You are to stay in your room." She told me in elvish. So much for my pretending not to understand it. I closed the door again. What now?

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