first day!!

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ally's pov

when i woke up, i immediately checked my phone.

'@ official_miguelcazarezmora started following you'

no. fucking. way. i immediately texted mikey.

september 7th, 7:01 am

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september 7th, 7:01 am

mikey i doubt ur awake but i needed to text you to get my mind off of things.
i am SO nervous about school.
i have one close friend.
idk what classes i have.
idk who's in my classes.
idk who teaches them.
anyways i hope your day is better than mine!!

i slept through my alarm, so i didn't have my time to fool around

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i slept through my alarm, so i didn't have my time to fool around... but i looked in my mirror and spoke up,

"hey google, play head over heels by tears for fears"

i spent the whole song singing and dancing around my room in joy. i couldn't believe it. once the song was over, i quickly snapped back into reality. school. school hadn't always been such a struggle for me, it only started in highschool. i used to love school.

it took me about 30 minutes to do my makeup. just some concealer, blush, bronzer, mascara, subtle eyeliner and some highlighter. my hair was straight and slick, just how i like it. i threw on my white high top platform converse, white wide leg jeans, and an orange cropped tanktop with my black backpack. i rushed to brush my teeth and ran down the stairs, snatched a piece of toast and a juicebox to meet my bestfriend mads outside.

we always walk to school together. we have since the fifth grade.

"first day of tenth grade... how are we feeling!!!" mads exclaimed.

"i'd be excited if i was dead. or in another country."

mads and i were different that way. she loves school, and i definitely don't. she's always known that, and she's always been very adamant on getting me to enjoy going everyday. she was just different. everyone knew she "didn't do drama", so she was never pulled in or involved. which i think is bullshit. nobody really "does drama" we just get roped into it. being friends with her normally helps my situations.

"damn. is this really your mindset again? new year new you hello??" mads sadly said

i could tell she was tired of me always bumming out the mood. she really just didn't know what it was like.

as we approached the doors to the school, i stuck one airpod into my ear. ready to drown everything out with music. i put on my spotify playlist titled "robin arellano 📞" and walked to my first period.

*time skip*

two periods had gone by and mikey still hadn't answered me. i figured maybe he was still sleeping? or maybe he didn't want to talk to me? it hadn't been 24 hours since we "met" but i avoided telling him who i really was because i didn't want him to think i was... weird? maybe i was overthinking. then i felt a buzz on my lap.

9:23 am

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9:23 am

sorry al, i was still asleep
but miguel followed u??? damn.
maybe he thinks ur cute 😏

don't get my hopes up.
good morning!

how's school going?

it's fine.
counting down the seconds until lunch.
what have you been up to?

playing with my little brother until i have an interview.

interview??? for what...

uh a new job

oh shit where??

that is confidential. still don't know if you're a stalker.

you'll find out someday 😏
anyways i'll text u at lunch.
good luck on ur interview!!

thx. see ya.

3rd person pov

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3rd person pov

as ally was making her way through the rest of her classes until lunch, she wasn't listening to a thing her teachers had to say. she wasn't lying about only having one close friend, but her bff mads, was her only friend. but she didn't wanna tell that to mikey. she didn't wanna seem like a loser. all she could think about in class was mikey... and  valerie.

valerie was the girl who had made the past two years living hell. i guess she could honestly thank valerie for a couple things... a reality check, letting her realize her self worth, and making her connect deeper with movies and music. she didn't ever really pay valerie much attention. ally was never really at school anyways because of dance.

ally's pov

after what felt like years, the lunch bell rang.  i walked out of my class as fast as possible to avoid valerie, until i noticed she was dead set in front of me. waiting. i had no time to think.

idek if miguel has siblings but whatever i say goes... so 😘

WRONG NUMBER... miguel cazarez mora 😍Where stories live. Discover now