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"hey i'm already feeling pretty tired" mads said as we reached the crosswalk. i knew what she was doing. "i think i'm gonna just head home for tonight. miguel i'll bring your stuff by later."

"oh right, thank you." miguel said

"alright mads. loooooove you"

"bye ally looooooove you"

miguel and i walked into my house. i saw both cars in the driveway meaning my mom and dad were home. they liked the black phone too and i was excited to see their reactions as they hadn't met miguel yet.

i walked inside to see them in the kitchen.

"hey mom, dad, meet mikey."

"are you sure we haven't met him before?" my mom asks "he looks awfully familiar." she said shaking his hand.

"wait a second." my dad announces "movie. we watched it last week. he's in it"

"yes sir, i'm robin in the black phone." miguel said shaking my fathers hand.

"this is the guy you texted asking for tampons?" my dad said while my mom laughed.

"will i ever live that down?" i asked.

*time skip*

before i knew it, the street lights were coming on and the clock read 9:04 pm. miguel and i had spent all this time just talking. getting to know eachother.

"so what are we?" i randomly spoke up. miguel and i were sitting up in my bed, facing eachother. i couldn't believe this came out of my mouth. did i even wanna know?

"whatever you want to be." he said sincerely.

"did your eye just sparkle? i swear your eye just sparkled?" i said laughing while moving near him to cuddle.

i closed my eyes to take it all in. once i opened them, i saw we were on instagram live. hundreds of people started to join. mikey spoke to his fans like they were his friends. i thought it was adorable. before i knew it, there were 17.9k viewers.

"turn it off mikeyyy!!" i said covering my face, laughing "i look like shit!"

"i don't know, I think you're beautiful." he giggled, moving my hands from my face. "don't you guys think she's beautiful??" he asked his live

@  i<3robinarellano: so gorgeous

@ miguelmoralover: ew no tf

@ user816482: forget miguel i want her

"see? gorgeous." he says, while silently blocking
@ miguelmoralover. i giggled. i didn't care what anyone else thought. if he thought i was gorgeous, that's all i needed.

we stayed on live for about an hour making it around 10pm. we were answering questions, talking to his fans, and learning more about eachother. once the live was over, i sat up.

"i wish you could stay forever" i said to him quietly.

"me too hermosa." he said while kissing my head. i swear he does these things just to watch me squirm. i almost died right there.

"do you wanna stay here for the night?" i asked him.

"your parents are cool with that?" he answered my question with a question.

"well no, but if they see you leave the house and i say goodnight to them, you can sneak back in through my bedroom window and they won't ever know." i added.

"damn. you must have a lot of practice with this." he said making it sound... weird.

"only with mads when i'm grounded. like i said. no boyfriends."

"yeah i know, just me." he said while winking. i rolled my eyes.

i walked him down the stairs, he stopped in the living room to thank my parents for having him over, and to say goodbye. he was so sweet. wheezie jumped up from the couch and gave him a huge hug.

"come back soon robin! ok?"

"alright wheezie, i'll be back i promise." he said while holding her in his arms. he gently sat her down and
said goodbye one last time.

i walked him to the door, and i stepped out on the front porch with him.

"so come back in around an hour, okay? then climb up my deck and slip through the window. it'll be open no matter what, come in even if i'm not in there." i told him.

"okay, see you in an hour princessa."

"in an hour." i said, smiling.

i ran back inside, giggling. i grabbed my speaker and brought it along with me to my bathroom. i began playing taylor swift. i felt like i was living in a movie. i hopped in the shower and sang to every song that came on. i decided i'd shave and do a hair mask since i had so much time to kill.

when i hopped out, i went back into my room to get my pink matching silk pj set, a tanktop and shorts. i put my hair up in a pink towel. i wanted to look good, but not too good. i put on a face mask and let it sit for ten minutes, dancing and singing around my room. once my time was up i did my skincare and hair care routine and cleaned up my room a little bit.

no sign of miguel still, so i took this opportunity to sing and dance around my room to head over heels.

miguel's pov

i left allys house and walked around for a bit. my uncle lived just around the corner so i payed him a little visit. i still remembered the way to grab n go, so i made my way there. that mandy girl was working the register. i walked over to the flowers and spoke up.

"you know ally quite well, what flowers do you think she'd like?"

"peonies. for sure." she said. i picked up a bouquet of pink peonies and handed mandy my money.

"what are you doing buying ally valentine flowers at this hour?" she questioned.

"been away from her for too long, needed an excuse to go back." i said, i wasn't really lying. she smiled.

"thank you for the help again, mandy." i said.

i walked out of grab n go and made my way back over to allys. 10:55. perfect. as i reached the back of her house, i could faintly hear music coming from her room. i climbed up her deck and saw her window was open, revealing a singing and dancing teenage girl. i knew that song. head over heels. i stepped through her window.

"if this song didn't remind me of you before, it definitely does now." i laughed

she turned around looking shocked and embarrassed.

"PINK PEONIES! my favourite. how'd you know?" she exclaimed.

"had a hunch."

she looked at me, then back at the flowers, then back at me. she gave me the most sincere hug. i would give up everything for one of her hugs.

WRONG NUMBER... miguel cazarez mora 😍Where stories live. Discover now