grab n go

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tw: mentioning of laxatives

miguel's pov:

as mads and i walked up to ally's bedroom door, i stopped for a second. i took it all in and realized what i was actually doing. my mom told me i must be crazy for this girl to be here right now. and even though i hardly know her, i actually want to know her.

i took a deep breath, the door swung open. there she was. in real life. she had the most gorgeous eyes and the cutest freckles i hadn't even seen in her pictures.

"ally" i spoke up

she stood there, frozen. i started to feel really bad. but that's why i'm here right? to fix things?

"what the fuck" she said looking through me. not the answer i was hoping for, but still an answer!

"i know i'm probably the last person you wanna see right now. but i wanna make things right." i said as she turned away to sit on her bed. by now mads was gone. it was just us.

"you're right." she said, causing my heart to drop. everything she said, she said it while looking me dead in the eyes. nobody's made eye contact with me like this before. i began to feel her pain. i messed up.

but then she told me she didn't want us meeting to be a bad memory. this was better than i could've ever imagined. she asked to press pause and never unpause. i agreed.

she hugged me. and we sat there for about ten minutes. it was nice to finally meet my bestfriend. suddenly mads was back. "click" we heard followed by a "FUCK. i left my ringer on" we all laughed.

they had IT set up for their movie night so we all hopped into allys bed. i was wearing grey sweats and a t-shirt so i wasn't too uncomfortable. i layed closest to the wall, ally in the middle, and mads on the end.

during the first scene with pennywise, i caught ally looking at me. i looked back and she quickly turned away and blushed. i smiled. she turned on her side to snuggle into my neck, i layed my head on hers. mads cuddled into ally. she didn't seem to mind that i was crashing.

allys pov:

we watched the whole movie all cuddled up. it was like a dream. once the movie was over, i shot up.

"so... are we able to like... tell people about this?" i asked, hoping i didn't sound like that was the only thing i thought about during the whole movie.

"what? about me?" miguel sounded offended.

"yeah about this famous teenage actor in my bedroom." i say over exaggerating

"i don't see why not, my friends know about you." miguel said, i could tell he didn't mean to say that.

"LIKE MASON?" mads slipped in, nervously chucking.

"yeah mason, tristan, brady, jacob" he answered

i think mads nearly passed out. she was probably masons biggest fan.

"okay," i said smiling "coco! wheezie! come here!" i yelled out.

"COMING" they responded in sync.

they both ran into my room and swung the door open.

"ROBIN?" wheezie screamed

"she's seen the movie???" he asked, sounding concerned.  "she's six."

"it was her first horror movie. we all started at six." i replied.

"what the fuck. who is- how is- why is-" coco couldn't even get a word out. we let her think for a minute, quietly laughing.

"MIKEY? YOURE THE MIKEY? MIKEY AS IN MIGUEL?? SHUT UP." she said sitting right beside him.

miguel looked up at me, smiling. "if you want people to know about us, their reactions will only get bigger than this." i joked.

"alright wheez and co, we're heading out. grab n go. want anything?" i asked. they both sat there, still in shock. "alright, skittles it is." i said while pulling mikey and mads by the arm.

as we kept walking to grab n go. i dropped hands with mads, but not with mikey. he noticed and flashed me one of those smiles again. that damn smile.

the parking lot at the gas station was packed. it looked busy inside. good, the more the merrier. me miguel and mads walked inside. i could feel mandy's eyes on us. i looked over and smiled but walked to the back of the store. i nodded at mads to let her know it was okay to ditch us. she went straight to mandy and told her everything.

as we walked towards the drinks, i heard a familiar voice. valerie. we turned the corner to see her with her posse. she looked shocked.

"ally?" she said, making it sound like it was a question.

"oh hey val! the laxatives aisle is actually the next one over!" i said sounding as rude as possible. i didn't care if mikey thought it was mean, he'd understand later.

her little squad chuckled. valerie squeezed her fists and calmed herself.

"and who's this?" she asked. looking at miguel with her flirty eyes.

"my friend," i said looking up at mikey "miguel." i gave him a kiss on the cheek to strengthen my point.

"nice to meet you, mikey" she said fluttering her lashes, "maybe we could all hangout sometime!" she said, what a fake.

i pulled up the video of us on the first day of school and held it on an angle so miguel and valerie could see.

"aw sweets, have you already forgotten about this?" "you hate me remember?"
i said, sternly.

she looked so embarrassed. i turned, grabbed three energy drinks and gave her a little wave goodbye.

"sorry about that." i said to miguel trying to sound as nice as possible.

"no don't be, who was that anyways?"

"the girl who has made highschool living hell." i told him. "all of ninth grade i never stood up for myself, i'd like to learn how though." i said shyly.

"really? i could teach you some things." he told me
"but you already looked pretty badass in that video. i didn't know people at school were causing problems. whatever happens after now, let me know about it."

i just gave him a smile. we met up with mads at the register, who once again got the whole encounter on video.

"holy shit you're everywhere." i said, laughing as i went to grab my change for our drinks.

"debit please, ma'am." miguel politely said.

he payed for the drinks.

i grabbed mads' hand and squeezed it as hard as i could. i gave her the look. "i hope this works out." i whispered to her. she smiled back.

WRONG NUMBER... miguel cazarez mora 😍Where stories live. Discover now