the hoodie

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when i woke up to my alarm, i knew today would be different. weird. i hopped out of bed a put on some pink jeans and a white cropped t-shirt. i left my hair half up half down and did my basic makeup. grabbed my airpods, threw on my white platform converse and a slice of toast.

i closed my front door and turn around to see mads on my steps.

"ALLY HE LIKED MY COMMENT ON MIGUELS POST OF YOU." she said as soon as she saw me turn.

"who?" i asked.

"MASON!!! MASON THAMES!!!" she said alarmingly.

i chuckled and reached down for her hand. "let's go" i said still laughing.

we talked about the post as we walked to school. everyone must have seen it.

as soon as i walked in, the questions started coming.

"you have a boyfriend?"
"are you and miguel dating?"
"how do you know mikey?"
"can you set me up with mason?"

i only answered to the last one. "no." i told some random girl firmly.

all these people had never even talked to me before. i wasn't even sure how they knew me.

september 12th 10:21 am

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september 12th 10:21 am

hey princessa.
how's school?

sucks worse now that you've had to leave, wish you were here.

call me after school and we can make plans for you to come visit here?

yeah. for sure :)

"mikeyyy" was changed to (miguel❤️)
"al" was changed to (princessa❤️"

"mikeyyy" was changed to (miguel❤️)"al" was changed to (princessa❤️"

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the day took forever to pass by. all i wanted was to go home and call him. smell the flowers he got me. i couldn't help but think about the fact that he texted me first, he never has before.

*time skip*

i ran and jumped on my bed, nearly breaking it. i was just so happy to finally be home. i instantly called mikey.

it rang three times.

"hey!" miley exclaimed.

"hey" i said smiling.

as much as i enjoyed calling him, it was nothing compared to having him here with me. we talked for a little while until i stopped suddenly. i looked over at the corner of my room, at my white chair. i saw something black, it didn't look like mine. i jumped up and grabbed it.

miguel's hoodie.

"SHUT UP." i yelled

"what? is everything okay?" miguel asked sounding concerned.

i came back into frame, holding his hoodie up to my nose. it smelled like him.

"no way. that one's my favourite i swore i packed it up!" miguel said, sarcastically. "can't believe you're just finding it."

i put on his hoodie that was just a little to big for me, smiling bigger than anything.

we talked on facetime for a little bit just about how fun our weekend was.

"so maybe you can come down the first weekend of october? only if that's alright. i know you and mads have a tradition so just let me know if that works."

"yeah for sure, i'm sure she won't mind but i'll ask anyways. i miss you a lot, i'll do everything in my power to make sure i can come. i'll let you know." i told him. "anyways, it's late and i still have a bunch of homework to do. text me though?"

"sure, goodbye hermosa."

"goodbye miguel."

i hung up, still amazed that he had left me his hoodie. i wasn't gonna ever take it off. i got my homework out and called mads, she picked up right away.

"HE FOLLOWED ME!!!!" she screamed

"mason?" i asked, knowing the answer already.

"YES!!! anyways what's up with you? who's sweater?" she asked

"miguel's" i said giggling. "anyways, mikey was wondering if i can go down to see him the first weekend of october, but since we have plans every night i wanted to ask if you were okay with it."

"oh my god of course!" she answered. "we can just watch three extra the next weekend."

"you're the best." i answered. "but i gotta go, love you mads."

"bye ally, love you."

*time skip*

i finished up my homework and tidied up my room. i hopped in the shower before doing my skincare routine and got into bed. i turned on the black phone and watched it the whole way through, thinking about mikey. the whole movie had a deeper meaning now. i felt like everything was going my way. dreams really do come true.

sorry for the short chapter!! thank you all so much for the comments, views and votes! you mean so much to me ❤️

however school starts soon, but i will try my best to update a couple times every week!

WRONG NUMBER... miguel cazarez mora 😍Where stories live. Discover now