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miguel's pov

my uber dropped me off at the end of the street. it was 4:05. i ran over to mads' house. she pulled me inside. i dropped off all my stuff there. i'd be staying for a few days since i had family in the area. i'd pick it all up later. i went to the bathroom, fixed myself up, and we were ready to go. we talked for a second.

ally lived directly across from mads. this didn't give me much time to prepare. i was shaking as we walked up to her porch.

mads' pov

i watched as miguel left his uber and ran to my place. i opened the door and yanked him into my house. he got cleaned up and was ready to go. i stood there for a minute.

"why are you looking at me like that?" he asked laughing.

"i don't know maybe cause you're famous and standing in front of me. the black phone is like my favourite movie." she answered

"well thank you i-" miguel started

"yeah i don't care. let's go!!" i yelled

we made our way to allys. i could tell he was extremely nervous. so was i. but it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission!

we stood on her porch and i was shaking too.

allys pov

i layed on my bed listening to tears for fears once again. god i really loved them. the time read 4:05 pm. i was bored and wondering when mads was gonna get here. i had my room cleaned, and i was wearing a pink tie dye hoodie with my hair in a low messy bun. i had IT set up on my tv and was laying on my back with my feet against my wall waiting.

i heard steps coming up the stairs. i walked over to open my door and-


i froze.

my vision went blurry.

"what the fuck" i blurted out

i didn't mean it. i didn't know what to say.

"i know i'm probably the last person you wanna see right now" he says as i turn my back to him to sit on my bed. "but i want to make things right" he continued, sitting next to me. mads who was once standing in the doorway was now nowhere to be found.

"you're right." "you are the last person i wanna see right now." i said while looking at him in the eyes.

"but i know, this won't matter soon. and i don't want our first time meeting to be a bad memory. can we press pause? and maybe never unpause?" i asked.

"is this your way of 'accepting my apology'?" he questioned

"sort of." i answered

he looked me in the eyes again and we hugged. this lasted about ten seconds just soaking everything in until we heard a "click" from the doorway

"FUCK." mads yelled. "i left my ringer on."

i motioned for mads to come over and i gave her a huge hug.

then i took a second, turned to miguel, and just stared at him.

"why do you keep looking at me like that???" he asked sounding extremely confused.

"i don't know maybe because you're my favourite actor and the first time we talked i asked you for tampons?? the black phone is my favourite movie."
i said as head over heels started playing.

miguel and i exchanged a look while mads seemed confused. mandy was right. mads is good to me. i owe her for this.

this was kinda anti climactic. don't worry i have more things planned!!

WRONG NUMBER... miguel cazarez mora 😍Where stories live. Discover now