head over heels

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allys pov

we pulled away from the hug.

"so why head over heels?" he asked. while i grabbed my cup of water to temporarily set my flowers in.

"um have you heard it? it's just amazing. but my dad used to play it all the time when i was wheezies age. i always told myself i'd find someone that makes me feel the way that song does." i answered.

"and have you yet?"

"maybe." i told him. "but who said it was you?"

miguel genuinely looked upset.

"i'm joking!" i yelled as i tackled him onto my bed. we fell side by side, looking eachother in the eye. he moved a piece of hair out of my face.

"mikey." i said quietly.

"yeah?" he asked, looking up at me. probably thinking i was gonna say something serious.

"can we watch the black phone?" i said giggling.

mikey laughed and nodded his head. i squealed while running over to get my computer. i turned off my lights, and turned on the black phone. miguel and i snuggled close in my bed. he was laughing at how excited i was.

when it was robins first scene with moose, miguel recited every one of his lines.

"then do it." i heard him say. i just laughed.

as we layed there, watching the movie, i realized that boy on the screen... was actually right next to me. i held his hand and squeezed it tight. i couldn't believe it. i was with miguel cazarez mora.

"something wrong?" he spoke up.

"no. nothing. nothing wrong at all."

miguel really did remind me a lot of robin. i fell asleep in his arms halfway through the movie.

*time skip*

i woke up to mikey stroking my hair, still in his arms. my parents wouldn't know he was ever here because they'd already left for work and hadn't come in. it was around 11.

"when did you wake up?" i asked mikey, embarrassed by how much i'd slept.

"oh just ten minutes ago." i could tell he was lying to make me feel better.

i took an elastic off my wrist and threw my hair in a messy bun, i knew my hair must have looked horrible.

"hungry?" i asked while standing in the mirror fixing my bun.

"sorta, i could eat." he walked over to me smiling. he placed his hands around my waist and gave me a hug. i took a picture on my phone and sent it to my snap story. i threw my phone onto my bed and walked downstairs to make something to eat.

"how aboutttt... eggs and bacon?" i asked mikey.

"i'm good with anything. but i'm making it. i'm a great cook." he said.

"fine by me!" i exclaimed. i was glad, i suck at cooking.

*time skip*

while we ate breakfast, we talked about what we could do for the day. we decided to go to the lake by my house and have a little picnic and maybe swim.

we tossed our dishes into the sink and went back upstairs to get ready for the day. i walked over to grab my phone and play some music, but i saw i had over 15 snap notifications?

oh right. the picture.

sis: sweetest tell robin i say hi
ethan: is that who i think it is...
amber: new boyf hello???

i didn't feel like answering them all. i told my google to play tears for fears as i sat down at my vanity. at this point miguel had already gotten ready. he came into my room with his hair in a ponytail, some jeans, jordan's, and a hoodie. i felt like i had to rush.

as miguel and i sang along to head over heels, i took my hair down and straightened it.

"why do you always straighten your hair?" miguel yelled over the music. "it always looks good you know."

i just chucked. i continued to finish with my hair and do my makeup super quickly. when i finished, i jumped up and picked some white linen pants with a matching white linen top and white platform sandals. i put on my hot pink bikini underneath and you could just almost see it through the linen. it was only a beach coverup anyways.

i walked back into my room to grab a few more things, and saw miguel staring at me with puppy dog eyes.

"you look gorgeous princessa." he said to me.

"you too princessa." i said back. he laughed at that.

i grabbed my phone, speaker, a blanket, two towels, and a couple snacks to bring with us. i threw it all in a basket and we were on our way.

thank you all so much for your comments and votes. i'll try to at least publish one chapter a day. please keep voting!! love you❤️

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