the picnic

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the lake was only about ten minutes away. miguel insisted on carrying the basket the whole way there and wouldn't let me take anything.

we walked up to the lake and we both took a minute. in silence, to just look. the way the sunlight peeked it's way through the trees to bounce off the water. the way it was one of those rare hot september days with a nice breeze. and the way it was empty. nobody but us.

i grabbed his hand and ran a little bit closer.

"here." i said. i found a little spot half full of shade and half full of sun. i knew miguel would want a little shade but i loved the sun. he layed down the picnic blanket and set all of our stuff up. i connected my phone to my speaker and turned it up just enough so i could still hear him talk clearly over it.

"first to get in the water wins." he says, looking at me with a smirky smile.

i threw off my clothes to reveal just my pink bikini so fast, he looked confused cause he hadn't even said go yet. i jumped in before he was even undressed.

"i win." i said. i've always been competitive. i love how he made it a competition, it didn't give me time to stress about undressing, or to wonder if maybe i wasn't all he wanted. he jumped in after me.

miguel swam over to me while i had my back turned. when i turned back around, he was right in front of me. his once curly hair was straight and it looked longer. he looked in my eyes, to my lips, and back at my eyes. he pushed a piece of my hair away from my face. he looked so genuine. and as head over heels played from my speaker, he leaned in. finally, my first kiss.

when he pulled away, our foreheads stayed touching. we sat like that for a few seconds until i giggled, getting out of the water. he followed me. i ran over to our blanket and layed on the sunny side, mikey taking the shady side. music still playing along, we just sat there and enjoyed eachothers presence, talking about school, our friends, family, and what it's like to have so many people know you.

at one point, mikey went to go find a picture on his phone to show me his little brother on set, but while swiping, he passed through the camera app and saw how beautiful this moment was. he took three pictures. one of just me, one of us together; smiling, and one of me kissing his cheek. we got distracted and never even found the picture. we got rid of the phones and ate some of the fruit we had brought. my hair was still rather damp but miguel's was now dry. his curls were just the slightest bit frizzy and more wavy than curly. i wondered if he uses hair products.

*time skip*

after a long day of switching between laying out and swimming, we picked up our stuff and walked a little further into the meadow. we found a big hill overlooking the lake and the meadow and sat down all of our things. i was now in a light purple sweatsuit as the weather had turned chilly. it was around 8pm by now, and mikey and i were cuddled up together waiting for the sun to set. once we had made our way up here, i let mikey have aux. he actually had great music. i was impressed.

eventually around 8:10, the sun had began setting. it was every different shade of yellows and pinks and oranges. we talked about music during the whole thing. i pulled out my phone and showed him my "robin arellano 📞" playlist to see what he thought. if robin really would like those songs.

(just a few)

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(just a few)

"you think robin would listen to any of these?" i asked. "this is how i see him."

mikey took my phone and scrolled through the list of songs.

"yeah for sure. if robin actually existed and lived a little longer, he'd love the smiths." miguel stated.

"he does kinda exist." i added. "you're pretty much exactly how i'd picture him in real life."

"out of all the compliments i've ever gotten, that one was my favourite. i try my hardest to live up to robins standards. even though he is just a character, i learned a lot from him and feel as though i do really know him, you know?" mikey told me.

"yeah. i definitely get that." i said leaning my head on his shoulder. "and since you exist and live now, do you like the smiths?"

"i love the smiths." he replied


sorry for the short-ish chapter.. more coming!!

WRONG NUMBER... miguel cazarez mora 😍Where stories live. Discover now